I almost let you win
yes you
you with the angelic grin
you act in god's name
you, god
but what you do is cause pain
you claim to be holy
you and your claim of holy
it almost happened today
you winning
you almost, almost pulled me astray
your angelic smile
you made me stumble mile after mile
we know who you are
with your angelic smile from a far
I blew today off in a haste
because of you
I listened to you and your waste
I won't do it again
listen to you
and your cries of sin
I've been in tears most of today. A good part of the reason is physical. Very few people understand unseen pain. My ears hurt. On a scale of 1 to 10 my ears hurt a 9 almost all the time. I cry myself to sleep. I wake up crying. I volunteer to bathe dogs at work so the sound of the dryer can hide the sniffles of my tears. I hurt. (Thankfully unlike a couple of friends in my life there is an end in site. For those with no hope of relief...my heart goes out to you.) The doctor looked in them yesterday and says he can relief almost all if not all the pain, but sadly little hearing will come back. Something else people can't see. Deafness.
Sure I have some hearing. I lip read and GUESS and FAKE a lot more then most of you have any idea. But there is no magic fix like most vision problems. I can't go to the eye doctor, pay a couple hundred bucks and see perfect again. For a few THOUSAND I can get aides that let me get by. And this is only after the surgery.
So yes I have been crying in pain, frustration, embarrassment, hopelessness, fear....you name it!! Lots and lots of tears today. Will the pain stop? Will I hear at all? Where will the money come from? Am I becoming a bigger burden on friends and family? Everything I feel I want to be and am called to be involves hearing.
I've kept much of this fear (hearing loss) from loved ones. Why? I'm not sure...embarrassment, scared they won't understand, hopelessness? But now that in the last twenty four hours I've started to share, its getting better. Maybe thee is only money for the surgery....maybe hearing aides are months away. I don't know, but I do know I have people who will help me get there. I do know I still have YOU as part of my blog.
What will happen when I go back to work after surgery and I still can't answer that dreaded evil phone? I can't even begin to explain to any one not part of it what that "phone" does to us at work. Something so simple, that makes us mone, and wose burden can easily be shared has such power to divide us. So yes I cry over the worry of if I will be able to answer it when I go back.
So there is the physical and some of the emotional for me . It gets worse. Yep some how it all feeds on each other.
I watch the amazing love of my life suffer because of many things. Including you. (if you think I'm taking about you, don't' be vain...some of it may be you but mostly I mean evil, conceitedness, selfishness, and judgment. I don't often use the word devil..that makes people think he is simple and can be put in a box and sent away, so I go with evil)
Today she had panic and wanted to run from the world, partly cause she listened to you. Partly because she loves me so much she wants to "fix" this for me. Panic for the most part is another unseen pain. It real, its there... you can't take a deep breath and make it better. People miss out on a lot of beauty and strength because they wont take time to see past this.
So today I cried for her. I cried because I see her strength, I see her love and I see her pain. I cry because she has so much to share and you are to sure of your self and what you believe to take anything she has to offer. I cry because I see you want to cut her down. Why are you afraid of her? Of us?
Also I cried of happiness. We have people who love us. We have people that have offered and given money to hep with my surgery. We have people that offer to come and be with J and our family while I have surgery. To come sit with me the day after so J can work or rest or what ever she needs.
We have family and friends. We have a beautiful future. To save my sanity the last two days I've been thinking a lot of that future. Of taking J to Washington DC to make our life legal to the government and on paper not just in the eyes of our friends and God.. Some of you may think I'm crazy looking to June and October when I really just need to make it through the week. But I need to remember why. I need the hope.
While we have the "you" of evil....we also have the "you" of love and beauty. I get out hurt bu writing poetry like what I wrote above...and then when I let it out, I have room to let God back in. Maybe a better way to say that is , I let it out so I can feel God there, because I now SHE never leaves me, as much as you would like to steal HIM for yourself.
So yes angry and hurt Carrie is here again tonight at 430 am because I hurt, in pain and heart. Because the love of my life hurts, and it brings me peace to finally watch her sleep a little.
I also need to say thank you. Thank you to J's parents that are there with us every step of the way. For the call from J's mom this afternoon when I was just "done" and couldn't deal any more. And thank them for being MY family too. Thank you to the people offering and lending money. To those that at just the right time post on my facebook wall and make me smile. Even as simple as hitting like on something I posted can make me feel validated. Thank you for sending me text that make me giggle and feel loved and kept me company. Thank you to Jamie just because she is Jamie. Thank you to the friend that is helping look to the future and is offering anything to help keep our hearts safe, like helping come up for a pattern and dew the perfect dress for June.
I know I've missed some people here in black and white, but not in my heart. I'm writing through tears and it is real raw so sometimes mistakes are made.
So this may not be my nest "work". but its real.
I remind myself that:
Matthew 18:20
King James Version (KJV)
20For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
So when I have surgery Friday there is no doubt in my heart or mind that God will be with us.
A romantic love song that makes me think of Jamie often, but tonight seemed way better then any church song as a way to offer my thanks to you.
I love YOU my family and friends. Thank YOU for helping me chase the evil "you" way.
My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I,
Got out of bed at all,
The morning rain clouds up my window,
And I can't see at all,
And even if I could it'd all be grey,
But your picture on my wall,
It reminds me that it's not so bad,
It's not so bad.
I drank too much last night, got bills to pay,
My head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there'll be hell today,
I'm late for work again,
And even if I'm there, they'll all imply,
That I might not last the day,
And then you call me and it's not so bad,
It's not so bad.
And I want to thank you,
For giving me the best day of my life,
And oh, just to be with you,
Is having the best day of my life.
Pushed the door, I'm home at last,
And I'm soaking through and through,
Then you handed me a towel,
And all I see is you,
And even if my house falls down now,
I wouldn't have a clue,
Because you're near me.
And I want to thank you,
For giving me the best day of my life,
And oh, just to be with you,
Is having the best day of my life.
And I want to thank you,
For giving me the best day of my life,
And oh, just to be with you,
Is having the best day of my life
Got out of bed at all,
The morning rain clouds up my window,
And I can't see at all,
And even if I could it'd all be grey,
But your picture on my wall,
It reminds me that it's not so bad,
It's not so bad.
I drank too much last night, got bills to pay,
My head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there'll be hell today,
I'm late for work again,
And even if I'm there, they'll all imply,
That I might not last the day,
And then you call me and it's not so bad,
It's not so bad.
And I want to thank you,
For giving me the best day of my life,
And oh, just to be with you,
Is having the best day of my life.
Pushed the door, I'm home at last,
And I'm soaking through and through,
Then you handed me a towel,
And all I see is you,
And even if my house falls down now,
I wouldn't have a clue,
Because you're near me.
And I want to thank you,
For giving me the best day of my life,
And oh, just to be with you,
Is having the best day of my life.
And I want to thank you,
For giving me the best day of my life,
And oh, just to be with you,
Is having the best day of my life