Monday, May 28, 2012

Job and Such

Not a whole blog just a short note to friends and followers. To those of you that know me or have put 2 x 2 together on my blog, yes I have recently lost my job .Am I happy about about it?? In a way. Am I scared about money and insurance....HELL yes. Do i think it was unfair.....want a list????

But am I OK. Yes very OK. This is a choice the Divine made for me because I wouldn't make it on my own. It was time I left. I couldn't get the nerve to take the risk, so SHE took it for me. 

Where to now? who knows I just know my future is full of LIGHT and I'm excited to see where the path leads me.

Already in just the few days kind hands and hearts have reached out. I'm finding that I do have people that care and I have a chance for a fresh start. What better way to start summer.
I will miss friends , regular doggies I see all the time and those special pet parents that just touch your heart. Any one of the list or any one else knows how to reach me even if its just through here. Please do!!!

I will miss the Green Belt every morning ( a city path by ex-work) so I'm looking for a new path to walk/run. No more woods is sad for me. How ever the "path" I took to day I unexpectedly found beautiful flowers . Here are just 2 of the patches I found along side the road. Guess you don't need the woods for beauty or to find nature.

I didn't crop because I wanted you guys to see them just like I did. By the side of the road.

So long story short, its a roller coaster, but I truest in the Divine to help me find my way.

Love you all!!!

And remember my favorite motto.

 Have you loved the world this morning.? Its not always easy but life is so much better when you do!!!


P.S.  so I didn't slay the dragon or the bully......I'm glad... I stayed true to myself.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sparks and flares of "good"

What if god/dess is a magical beast that holds the secret of light and shadow in a safe place in her heart 
and when it has been too long dark and angry, she starts to dance and laugh and cry and sing
 and the sunlight fills her up and spills in wild abandon back into the world again ?


Balance Balance
Matrix Matrix
We create her
SHE creates us
So much anger
So much stress
She lets out the beauty
Saved for such a day
Today I put in hope
You put in distress
She puts in anger
He puts in love
Balance Matrix
Matrix Balance
The balance weighs
To the good
We created God/dess
From good
When we start to weigh it evil
SHE throws in extra good
I've been studying about the God Matrix, so much to learn. I've mentioned before I love the idea that each creates the other. Personally I've been exploring the idea that both have free will once created.What if we did such a good job SHE stores up the extra good for us?? Lind of like saving for a rainy day (even though I love the rain).

Puzzle pieces such a recurring theme in life for me. Autism is a puzzle but is it? Maybe we are just a piece of the whole puzzle. where do I fit?  Where do you fit? What is the whole if we allow our selves to fit rather than fight out place or some one else's??

For me while the loss of my job is traumatic, it is a relief. 




Friday, May 18, 2012

Matrix Strong

Born Fragile or Matrix Strong?
Interconnected, interwoven, 
strong together, weak together
weak as the weakest link?
strong as the strongest connector?

Born weak, small, tiny
needy, helpless, 
full of potential
part of the connection.

A chain
a straight line of links
weak as the weakest link
are we as weak as a chain?

A matrix
a series of interconnections
strong as the strongest connector
are we as strong as a matrix?

I've been reading a lot about numerous thoughts on faith, belief, and what is or isn't the Divine. I've been reading about the theory of the God Matrix. Its quite complex in its simplicity. A matrix, a complex connection of individuals linked together over and over, not just side by side like a chain. Strength in numbers. Almost like a loosely woven basket or maybe a net. 
God makes us, we make God.......We make God, God makes us. The life giving spark in each of us, when interconnected with every being on earth, creates the God Matrix. God is within the matrix, God is the Matrix. We created the matrix and God, God created the Matrix and us. (see I said, so simple, yet so complicated).
Personally, the more I read and study and THINK, I'm liking this theory. This theory is matching my belief in a way I wasn't even aware I was believing yet. 
Interestingly, it puts the responsibility squarely on our shoulders. No longer can we say "but God said", "but God wants" now becomes OUR responsibility. I'm responsible for you as you are responsible for me. 
What about the rotten apple that spoils the barrel? We can't think this way anymore. We can't let the whole barrel spoil or just toss out the rotten apple. We are responsible for making sure the apple doesn't become rotten, or we need to heal the rotten spots. 
Sometimes, we need rotten apples to bring out the best in ourselves. I'm not saying we are meant to fix and save the world alone, on our personal shoulders, but we are meant to bear our part of the burden. 
When there are too many broken connections, there will be holes, and frays in the matrix but as long as there are strong members of the matrix, the matrix will not dissolve.   
To bring paradise or, in the terminology of many religions, Heaven to Earth, we need to make this matrix as strong as possible. How do we do this? Again, so simple, yet so the best YOU possible. You are the only YOU. You are a connector made for your special spot in the matrix, and yes, without you, there is a missing piece. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

If Suess translated the bible and more!

If God Only Knew

one god two god
red god blue god
my god your god
good god bad god

loving god hateful god
giving god selfish god
graceful god vengeful god
new god old god

green eggs and ham
god i am
i make the rules 
you are the spam

i will not change them
not for you
you can not make me
no not you

Star belly sneetches at stars upon thar bellies
Plain belly sneetches had non upon thars
The star bellies think all should be like them
They write books and preach and shout

But maybe just maybe the star belies are wrong
Plain bellies shouldn't change at all
Stars and not special they just are what they are 
Inside is what matters...what matters right thar

Maybe you read this as silly, maybe as serious.  My mood as I write? Mixed. Emotional roller coaster. What a few weeks I have had. A affects B.......B affects C...C crushes and hurts D and E and then.....E finds the strength to make it all better.

Where am I going with this?? Trying to say there is NO right answer no right path. For me I believe if we follow the way of peace and love....well we have paradise. We have a long way and many different parts to play to get there. 

And the song???? What if she is a loving deity that has given us free will......she sees all this pain but also knows pain is growth and to take back her gift would be make us lesser beings?   Just a thought.

Shalama dear friends

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sea of my heart

A walk along the surf
You and I 
Hand in hand
Heart beats as one
Two souls ,still, yet joined 
Nothing exists but Us and natures creation 

You laugh out loud to share this
As I run a head spying a special shell
You smile and shake your head
You sit and empty your shoe I told you to leave behind
I run backward laughing at you and your shoe
Arriving at the shell,  I know it's meant for you

Running back to you
You pull me down and say "watch"
"Watch what ? I ask"
You hold me against you tight,   both facing out 
"Be still and listen my baby"  you say
"some things are worth waiting for !"

Watching watching watching
I finally see I small splash out of place 
I turn to you, you smile and "say watch"
I turn just in time to see a dolphin leap
"Keep watching" u say and hold me tighter
A whole pod leaping and frolicking 

I'm full of joy, what I saw and shared with you
My heart is full with life 
Life you may not give me
But a life you help fulfill
A life you encourage
One I like you a part off
One we create

You whisper in my my ear
"This is what you get when you trust fate
When you leave negative energy
When you believe the positive 
See what happens when you trust me and fate?"

You turn me around 
Push up my sunglasses
And gaze into my eyes
Because its you I gaze back
I feel loved and treasured
I want you to feel the same

Is this day a dream or real?
I have a shell to remind me
Sand in my shoes make smile
You hand in mine your chuckle you
Are I'm me like the sea of life 
My return home