Let me just give all you dear friends fair warning.....autistic me, much needed pain killers, still pain, can't sleep, quote book that includes scripture.....makes for some interesting round about questions in my head that I just must get out and share.
Acts 5:29
Darby Translation (DARBY)
29But Peter answering, and the apostles, said, God must be obeyed rather than men.
I'm being sincere.....how do we know what is God's word and what is mans? I believe PERSONALLY the Bible is a wonderful inspired by GOD work of HUMANS. That's right much inspiration, how ever many, many ,many human hands, thoughts, mistakes, politics, desires, wars, translations, interpretations,changing of word meanings, historical growth, etc etc etc.
Yes I now context etc, blah, blah.....but this is a scripture that old and young, conservative and liberal, want to use.
So I'm asking you..not you pastor/preacher/Sunday school teacher/elder/bishop...not your mom/dad/grandparents/aunt uncle.......wo ever you go to....
How do you know if you are following man or God? God's word or just what you have been told?
I would love to have discussion here with the bog or over on Facebook. Remember, its ok to disagree...with respect. I really want to hear from you folks. What makes you tick!
This is short because I want to hear from you!!!!! Fill up those comment lines folks!!! Please !!!??
Personal note to followers and friends.
Left ear almost no pain (a blessing and I'm thankful) . Right ear, pain is still as sever as before surgery and still bleeding.
No returned hearing in either, at this point I'm told if it were going to happen it would have. Bright side I didn't lose the last tiny bit, but still so little to work with.
Frustrating, scary and overwhelming, but I have you, friends, family and about a zillion pets!! Not to mention Gods plans. Even though I wish I knew it.
There is little doubt I will need stage 2...the special hearing aids with the extended tubes. I believe God wants me to be hearing and will HELP this to happen.
SO again I ask for you help.
Extra thanks to those who have already sent money to help with Stage 2 of surgery.....Hearing aid placement. We have a good start but as much as I hate asking and admitting, we do still need a lot of help. Remember the donation button is on the side of my blog, you can go to paypal.com, click on "send money" and use t.paws@aol.com as the payee. If anyone would prefer to send a check or money order to a real place, email me at either t.paws@aol.com or autisticmystic@gmail. com for the address.
Peace, Love, Thanks, Rawr!! and Shalom to all .
Carrie Lynn
Sir Bubby and I work hard to keep each other from the castle of despair |
I agree with you that I feel the Bible is the word of many different people giving stories. I still take that as the Word of God. I'm not sure why, because I normally need more proof of something. I think I take the Ten Commandments as God's Word. Again, I'm not sure why, but to me, it is a given that that is what God said. The other stories are stories passed down from person to person. Again, just my humble thoughts.
Are you asking why you believe what you believe? I could go on and on about that one. I don't want to make your discussion wander in wayward fashion.
I think any scripture or holy book needs to be taken in context and in the light of common sense. For instance, the Leviticus code was to make the Israelites stand out as different from the others of their time. Does it make any sense whatsoever TODAY that it is an abomination and worthy of capital punishment and even death to eat shrimp or wear clothes made of two different fabrics? No. It doesn't.
So where is the common sense ideas? "Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and your neighbor as yourself." "He or she who is without sin, cast the first stone" These are principles that anyone, no matter their faith (or none at all) can follow.
I am a firm believer that we are created with an innate sense of right and wrong. Maybe it is the spirit of the god/goddess teaching us, or maybe its evolution, who knows. But it helps us make decisions in our lives.
There needs to be a balance of thinking of ourselves and thinking of others. Yes, I need to eat and feed my family, but could I for go that expensive dinner or night out to send ten or twenty dollars to the hungry? Its something we must examine and reexamine constantly.
Are we following WWJD? WWBD? Does it matter? What does your heart say? What does your instinct say? What does the good inside you say? What does the selfless soul inside you say?
Your actions speak for your heart and soul and lets the world know what both look like. Your light or your darkness will flow through regardless.
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