It's a Leap Year and
today is the extra day
we get in 2012. The
perfect day to give
up procrastination.
Whatever you've been
putting off, do it now.
It's a Leap Year and
today is the extra day
we get in 2012. The
perfect day to give
up procrastination.
Whatever you've been
putting off, do it now.
Procrastination can be little things are big things. It can be as simple as not doing laundry or as big as not telling some one you love them or following your faith.
We procrastinate for many reasons.... we feel like it makes life easier, we feel like it saves peoples feelings, we are scared, sometimes we are just plain lazy. Is it every really a good thing to procrastinate? (no I'm not talking about saving house work for tomorrow when you have an unexpected spring day)
Can procrastination be a hurtful thing? I really believe so. For example "I'll help the needy after my next raise." So who helps now? I'll visit so and so and tell them I love them next week end. What if next week end doesn't come?
What about church, circle, temple, mass, prayer meditation??? God/dess knows what we thing as we think it, but our hearts and soul need it. Work on Sunday.... try a devotional book with your self and/or a loved one. No time to meditate....chat with God/dess when you each lunch, walk to the car...the 2 minutes you sneak for face book in the middle of the day. The time is there, is the desire?
My new "un" procrastination today? I started walking again. Walking is a peaceful time for me. Its good for my body and soul. I either share it with Jamie, a good friend, Teddy, or often just chat with God/dess. I hope to get this habit back, even if it is just during my lunch time most days. These times are when I am must able to open myself up to God/dess's plans for me. She may speak them to my heart, she may speak through a friend, she may even speak through a song if I have head phones on. Some time nature calls and allows me to meditate.The possibilities are endless and I miss out when I procrastinate and don't but on my running/walking shoes
Do you have things you procrastinate that you would be better off if you didn't? I never bring politics up here, but are you educating yourself so you can vote this winter using your moral ethics and beliefs? What happens if we don't?
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out--
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists
and I did not speak out--
because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out--
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me--
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
and I did not speak out--
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists
and I did not speak out--
because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out--
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me--
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
This poem is taken from Pastor Martin Niemoller's actual address to the U.S. Congress in
1968. I'm not putting words in his mouth but he had much regret and remorse for not acting. It also sows procrastination. What if he and millions of others didn't wait until it was "them and theirs" be persecuted. What if the people who saw wrong had to have the strength to stand up in the beginning? Would things be different? Are we making a difference by NOT procrastinating and standing up now?
Life is to be lived it is not a holding pattern.Life is to be lived. Go live, go make the world safe....stop procrastinating. LIVE, our lives are a gift from our God/dess, its rude not to enjoy a gift.
Amen, Blessed Be, Shalom
Give up at least one
of your prejudices.
Don’t have any?
Think again.
Give up at least one
of your prejudices.
Don’t have any?
Think again.