Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I Want to Hear what you Hear

I mentioned earlier that I was in a very humble place. I'm getting surgery for my ears on Friday. The doctor has let me know there will be very little help if, any for the hearing, this is just for the pain. I'm Terrified. No other word then pure terror. Nightmares every night. Scared of the pain, being put under, scared it won't work, the cost....etc etc etc etc...Thank goodness God blessed me with a friend that is getting me over the line with the money for co-pay for the surgery!!! Yay friend! (love you)

I'm even more worried and stressed about the hearing aides in a month. I have almost NO hearing left..that's none !  They will be 5200! Scarey huh? That's for middle of the  road hearing aides for both hears.  This is the absolute lowest the doctors say will help. It is just enough power to get me by in my work environment that includes noisy dogs and answering the phone. The only extra is they are water proof so I can actually wear them to work. Pretty much the lowest I can get by with.

Hours of research and discussion with  several doctors and several audiologist has taught me that I need prescription aides. Not off the shelf or over the internet ones. Sadly because of the severity of my hearing, those non-perspiration ones will not work for me. I truly would like to be able to save the thousands of dollars.

I need help. I can not pay this and insurance will not pay much. Mostly enough to pay back co-pays from the surgery and such. This is one of the hardest things I've had to type...I'm use to being the provider, giver and helper. It's scary and unfamiliar for me.

Several friends have asked how they could help. I've prayed and meditated a lot about asking for help. The simplest best solution I've found and been led to, is a pay pal button on my blog . ( More at bottom of how this works.)
Love and peace,

Many of you have followed my struggle about surgery and the aides. I've been lost, I've been hurt, I've been overwhelmed. I've also been blessed with friends, help, words of encouragement, smiles, laughter, company on face book when in to much pain to sleep, understanding and love.

I've been learning some about labyrinth meditation. I've been doing a little with visualization and drawing. The poem doesn't totally represent the true path of labyrinth meditation,usually you work in and then back out,  but this shares what I've been feeling.

Circle slowly towards the center
Slowly.... slowly..... slowly
Find YOUR center
As you meditate towards the center

Pause and think
Thoughts turn to prayers
Prayers will be answered
Sometimes the answer is wait

Wait... wait.... wait
Hard frustrating scary
Many many tears shed
Tears drop, stream, roll

New turn in labyrinth  
My tears have turned to bawling
My heart is yearning
Yearning, bawling, bawling and yearning

Another new turn
The labyrinth still calls
Turn turn labyrinth turn
Can I go further, my soul starts to burn

The center awaits
The labyrinth calls stronger
Turn labyrinth, turn turn
I must go further, my soul grows stronger

Turn, question, answer, wait
Turn, questions, answer, wait
Turn turn beg, but still wait
turn yearn burn.........pray

Heart quickens, soul yearns
heart, soul, praise, praise
I turn, I turn, the center is closer
still I turn, still I yearn, still I question

Turn turn turn
Child, open your heart listen
Sometimes answer is within
Seek my child, ask and you may receive

The center nears
My tears calm
Will my prayers answer be yes or no
Will I find balance, will I find peace

The God's answer, the Goddesses will
Will my answer be theirs, will my desire be their will
turn turn turn
 seeking peace, balance, and comfort. 

 As I said before, this has been a major journey and many of you have given me the emotional strength I need to make it through.

I had to be reminded of several things....

Matthew 6:25-26

Good News Translation (GNT)
 25 This is why I tell you: do not be worried about the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn't life worth more than food? And isn't the body worth more than clothes?26 Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them! Aren't you worth much more than birds?

 If you're carrying more than you can handle today, choose to let some of it go by letting someone else in.

 The only way to get help is to ask, but sometimes we hold back because we're scared.

Some times Buddha is annoyingly simple and right!!
You're my friends, you may not have the money to help, but how will I know if I don't ask. What have I lost?

 God helps them who helps themselves!
Who knows where this actually comes from , and yes I do have google. :)

Dear dear friends, thank you for listening and being part of this journey with me. If you can help, that is amazing, if not, believe me,  we know where you are coming from. But, first and fore most thank you for supporting me in so many ways.

(From Jamie)  As many of you know, Carrie is also autistic (aspergers) and has asked me to provide donation details as she is getting a bit overwhelmed. The instructions are below. Please email us at t.paws@aol.com for any questions. 

Click on the PAYPAL Button on the right side of the screen on THIS blog. There you will be given an option to use your Paypal account to donate, OR if you do not have a Paypal account, click on "continue" by the Visa, Mastercard etc icons on the lower left hand corner. Follow the prompts to process your donation. 

Alternatively, if you have a Paypal account, you may go to Paypal, click "send money" and follow the prompts. Our paypal account is t.paws@aol.com.

If you would like to send a donation by snail mail, please email us for the address. 

*Important note...we are not a non profit and your gift is not tax deductible. Unless otherwise specified this is a gift, not a loan. We are very thankful for any amount you may be able to give and will be good stewards of your donation.


Shellie said...

Carrie, one word of comfort about being put under anesthesia, yes it is scary and I am sure the doctor has told you about the risks BUT I think it is the most relaxing, most comforting feeling. Sounds weird, I know. At first when they put your IV in they will probably put a little numbing agent in your hand. This feels like a tiny little brier prick. When they go to put the actual IV needle in, I did not feel it at all. SHortly after the IV is in they will give you a relaxer intraveinously (sp?). At this point it will take maybe 20 seconds and you will be floating on a nice puffy cloud, probably doing the Carrie GIGGLE and smiling from ear to ear. I pretty much was a puddle of goo after that. Didn't care what they did. Once they wheel you into surgery, feel confident in the doctors and nurses. They made me feel like I was the most important person in the world. You will get a nice heavy warming blanket then the anesthesia meds will go in and oxygen mask on. It was the most relaxed I have ever felt. All the worry and anxiety melted away. It takes you to a very pretty happy place. The surgery will be over before you know it. I woke up and asked the nurse when we are going to get started and she said honey we're already finished. Please don't fret over this part of the surgery.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Shell. As always you are an amazing comfort. Almost makes me want it NOW!

niki stark-Harding said...

I love GA's!!! you get to go all floppy and lala and it stops the brain whirring totally for a bit!! breathe slowly and count gently! I reckon you will probably love it too!! xxxx love you bud