Sunday, January 15, 2012

Journey to bionic ears. (God/dess is is the science!)

(disclaimer, this are NOTHING like the bionic ears I'm getting)
Since many friends and followers are very curious in their support and are continuously asking "where we are at", we decided to male a fun little chart.  We will post regular updates. The chart is made to break down in $1,000  increments,  so we can post small steady gains daily, and post the whole chart, at major mile stones.

Remember the donation button is on the side of my blog, you can go to, click on "send money" and use as the payee. If anyone would prefer to send a check or money order to a real place, email me at either or autisticmystic@gmail. com for the address.

Thanks so much to those that have already made donations and those that made it possible for the co-pay (with out which they wouldn't have done the surgery) .

A special thank you to those donors who have made this fund raiser possible. Without you, we don't know what we would have done.

We are off to a slow start. But i hope the gifts with donations and so many people wiling to help "sell inf" them will hep. Hooray for helpful friends. i even have a friend writing helpful informative letters to famous people involved in autism or musicians into self empowering music that I have used for videos before, and how much it not only hurts me to lose this music , but also I will have trouble making community service videos out with no hearing.

I have friends researching places to help.

I have I mwntioned I may be deqd by I am blessed!!!

I locv you guys   we will do this!!!
PS tgere is a 100 dollar donation coming YAY! Its not here het but we wi he to add it soom.

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