Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bracelets, guitar picks, and thanks, OH MY!!! Our newest fund raiser!!

Read all about it read about it!!
Great news ahead!!!
People are offering to help with donations.
However we don't want you to go home empty handed!
For JUST a 10 dollar donation we have:

 For a donation of 20 or more:

We realize the words in the pictures didnt come out as big as we would have liked.
The bracelet is for a $10 dollar or more donation.
The guitar pick is for a $20 dollar or more donation.
For a $25 dollar or more donation you get both!!!
Bigger donations (and yes we have had them, we will e-mail you to see how we can work something out, yet make sure we have treats for every one.

For any of you that don't know yet, I have just recently had  surgery on my ears. (Bi-lateral)

It cleared up almost all of the pain in my left ear and very little in my right but it is getting better. The scary, sad thing is that no hearing came back. To HELP my hearing I need a set of hearing aids that run 5200. with out these i pretty much will NOT hear.

I now every one has ideas and wants to help.....the TV and Mall ones like miracle ear and beltone won't help. I've spoken with several specialist, ENT's, and audiologist. Short of going to aids that cost more and do less this is about all that will help.

My insurance will help some, but everything is pre-paid. What we are asking for in help, doesn't, begin to cover our deductibles and co-pays. We are just trying to get help in what must be PRE -PAID.

I've missed weeks of work because of being in to much pain, being to weak, and having to much vertigo to work. Work has been great, but I only have so much sick and vacation time. Jamie's hours have been cut because of the time of year, and she misses to care for me. 

I'm loving my life, my friends , my family, and my job. I don't want to miss out on more and more because I can't hear. I'm well aware that many Deaf people I've awesome and fulfilling lives.  However after living my life as semi-hearing.....starting it again at 42 is overwhelming.  So i'm asing for help in what ever donation you can make.

I wish there was some way to explain this last loss to you.  The best I can come up with is when you are in a dark scary pace with an almost dead flash light and the battery finally gives. battery has given out and I'm more then scared...I'm terrified.

I'm scared of losing a job I love, I'm scared of osing friends that don't understand, and I'm scared of losing music.  I'm terrified I won't learn spoken Hebrew for theology.  DId you catch that I'm scared???

Any donation you can make would be awesome. If not, and I know many can not, ...can I count on you to not only share this, but to put a note before the post explaining a litte about who I am to you so your friends will read it?

Peace and love to you all,

P.S  If you have already donated your still counted in!

We will e-mail each donor as we  receive their donation  within 2-3 days. We will start having product in the mail as soon as possible.

Remember the donation button is on the side of my blog, you can go to, click on "send money" and use as the payee. If anyone would prefer to send a check or money order to a real place, email me at either or autisticmystic@gmail. com for the address.

A special thank you to those donors who have made this fund raiser possible. Without you, we don't know what we would have done.



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