Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th weekend specials.....check it out ...5 bucks to help me and to get a small gift!!!

This week end only (and Fri the 13th is included in the week end)......make a  $5 donation to my "I want to hear what you hear" fund raiser and get your choice of the guitar pick/charm or bracelet.

After you make your donation e-mail me at to let me know your choice. Also you can comment on my page under where this is posted to let me know. 

Let get this rolling. In 5 weeks I want to HEAR the shouts of jubilation that we have raised enough money!!!

This is where we stand as of right now.

We are being asked by many of you how you can help, even though don't have money.  Simple and easy........share share SHARE these request on your pages. Tell friends. You never know who may have a few bucks tucked away to help out!

This is the bracelet. Your basic gel/silicon bracelet in adult 8 inch size. (Guys the pink is really dark, and besides real mean wear PINK!) 

This is my personal favorite. I spent hours on doctoring the "ear" to make it fit and to make it mine. I may be bragging but I personally think it looks cool and artistic. Is it a guitar pick, a charm, a necklace, a pocket good luck piece...what ever you want it to be!!!

If you see me in person I'll try to have them on hand so there is no need for you to order them!

I wish I had more good news......but mostly the same...the right ear is still in major pain and had no hearing. The right feels much better, but almost no hearing.

I know I am one of the "lucky" ones . I CAN get most of my hearing back. It may not be 100% and it may be bionically/mechanical, but I can get it back. 

I want to let every one know how much your emotional support has helped. I love opening up my Facebook and seeing funny pictures on my wall from you, letting me know your thinking of me. I get excited when I see I have a text and its one of you checking in.  I believe in the power of prayer, that in it self is a gift. 

I have so much faith this will happen, that I have already named my new bionic ears , that have not even been ordered, much less programed for me..

Remember the donation button is on the side of my blog, you can go to, click on "send money" and use as the payee. If anyone would prefer to send a check or money order to a real place, email me at either or autisticmystic@gmail. com for the address.

Thanks so much to those that have already made donations and those that made it possible for the co-pay (with out which they wouldn't have done the surgery) .

A special thank you to those donors who have made this fund raiser possible. Without you, we don't know what we would have done.

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