Good morning friends!!!
Today you get a bonus blog, partly because I fee the need to get this out and share and partly because if I follow the challenge for today in the Lenten calendar and go to bed early I may not write!!!
Pronunciation: dis-Function: noun
1 : the act of perceiving distinctions
2 : the ability to make fine distinctions
3 : the treating of some people better or worse than others without any fair or proper reason <laws to end racial discrimination>
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): hat·ed; hat·ing
1 : to feel strong dislike toward <hates his country's enemies>
2 a : to have a strong feeling of disgust for <hate hyprocrisy> b : to find distasteful
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): hat·ed; hat·ing
1 : to feel strong dislike toward <hates his country's enemies>
2 a : to have a strong feeling of disgust for <hate hyprocrisy> b : to find distasteful
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): loved; lov·ing
1 : to hold dear : CHERISH
2 a : to feel a lover's passion, devotion, or tenderness for b : to touch or stroke lightly
3 : to like or desire actively : take pleasure in <loved to play the violin>
4 : to grow well in <the rose loves sunlight>
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): loved; lov·ing
1 : to hold dear : CHERISH
2 a : to feel a lover's passion, devotion, or tenderness for b : to touch or stroke lightly
3 : to like or desire actively : take pleasure in <loved to play the violin>
4 : to grow well in <the rose loves sunlight>
I used the children's version of the definitions for Merriam-Webster's dictionary to keep it SIMPLE!!!!
How simple is following Jesus, the New Testament God/dess?
For there are these three things that endure: Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is Love.
! Corinthians 13:13
'An it harm none, do what ye will'
Wiccan Rede
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive".
Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama
So again I'm going on about love vs hate and tossing in a little compassion and understanding.
I'm diagnosed as having much of the world thinks besides not being able to communicate well (not true most of the time it's just DIFFERENT) and that I don't feel as much or deeply. What if the real problem is that the two tie together but differently then people want to acknowledge? What if "we" feel so deeply and passionately and it comes so fast and in such an onslaught that with our sometimes difficulty communicating the way the world wants us to we just have trouble getting it out?
Why an I writing this today when I have written a similar blog before?
Because in the last....lets say 72 hours I have experienced so much hate and discrimination and ignorance that I am physically ill and can barely function to go to work today. I'm feeling all this hate filled judgment as ooze as if I'm coated in it. Thank goodness I KNOW God/dess is here and will get me through.
I see people called friends picking fun priorities over helping a sick friend. I learn of another teen suicide through JOKE!!!! (are we getting so numb to this we joke? Really???) I've been reading all about who is allowed in a place of worship or even to say the believe in God/dess. I've seen people judged not just for what they have done but things perceived done....and then mistreated. For things that have nothing to do with the other person.I've seen a hard working persons heart break because they are told and made feel as if they never good enough. A trans person feel as if they were kicked in the gut for the way they dressed. Again the list goes on. (fyi I chose gender neutral here to protect the people mentioned)
I read recently that the question is not what would Jesus do but would Jesus have me to do. Think about it. If your prophet/savior/God/dess were here sitting with you , would you act the way you are? Well if our faith is how most of us say it is......They are here with us, in us, beside us, part of us. Please let's act like it. Simple...we are created in their image....and unless we are created in all the rules from the old world such as Leviticus there is little room for hate.
Hate eats your heart and soul little by. little. In the long run it hurts you more then it hurts them .
In honor of my friend .....a rose by any other name still smells so sweet!! If you ever need to change names in my writing to make it work for your heart..DO IT!!!
Love you all. Please try to love today and release the anger and hate before it is to late!!!
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