Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sparks and flares of "good"

What if god/dess is a magical beast that holds the secret of light and shadow in a safe place in her heart 
and when it has been too long dark and angry, she starts to dance and laugh and cry and sing
 and the sunlight fills her up and spills in wild abandon back into the world again ?


Balance Balance
Matrix Matrix
We create her
SHE creates us
So much anger
So much stress
She lets out the beauty
Saved for such a day
Today I put in hope
You put in distress
She puts in anger
He puts in love
Balance Matrix
Matrix Balance
The balance weighs
To the good
We created God/dess
From good
When we start to weigh it evil
SHE throws in extra good
I've been studying about the God Matrix, so much to learn. I've mentioned before I love the idea that each creates the other. Personally I've been exploring the idea that both have free will once created.What if we did such a good job SHE stores up the extra good for us?? Lind of like saving for a rainy day (even though I love the rain).

Puzzle pieces such a recurring theme in life for me. Autism is a puzzle but is it? Maybe we are just a piece of the whole puzzle. where do I fit?  Where do you fit? What is the whole if we allow our selves to fit rather than fight out place or some one else's??

For me while the loss of my job is traumatic, it is a relief. 





Mary Ann Carter said...

So beautiful to be blessed to see things through your eyes...thank you. My nephew is autistic...I really believe autistic people are 'the chosen'...for enlightenment, peace, beauty. I am friends with Maurice Rowlands and learned of you through him.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

MaryAnn Thans so much for reading and the comment. I hope you keep following and feel free to jump in here and/or over on the facebook page.

Aiynjel said...

Beautiful as is the soul that you have been graced with. You will always be an amazing, strong and digified woman to me. You have helped me to understand my son so much more. Autism is only a puzzle to those that are closed minded to trying to understand it. We all have a place in this world and though we may not always know where that place is, we will be guided to it on the day that we open our minds and see the world for what it is...A beautiful majestic place that has everything to offer if one is willing to accept. Look into the kaleidascope of autism and create your own idea of life and then go for it with all you've got. God/dess will see that you succeed as she sees fit.