Friday, May 18, 2012

Matrix Strong

Born Fragile or Matrix Strong?
Interconnected, interwoven, 
strong together, weak together
weak as the weakest link?
strong as the strongest connector?

Born weak, small, tiny
needy, helpless, 
full of potential
part of the connection.

A chain
a straight line of links
weak as the weakest link
are we as weak as a chain?

A matrix
a series of interconnections
strong as the strongest connector
are we as strong as a matrix?

I've been reading a lot about numerous thoughts on faith, belief, and what is or isn't the Divine. I've been reading about the theory of the God Matrix. Its quite complex in its simplicity. A matrix, a complex connection of individuals linked together over and over, not just side by side like a chain. Strength in numbers. Almost like a loosely woven basket or maybe a net. 
God makes us, we make God.......We make God, God makes us. The life giving spark in each of us, when interconnected with every being on earth, creates the God Matrix. God is within the matrix, God is the Matrix. We created the matrix and God, God created the Matrix and us. (see I said, so simple, yet so complicated).
Personally, the more I read and study and THINK, I'm liking this theory. This theory is matching my belief in a way I wasn't even aware I was believing yet. 
Interestingly, it puts the responsibility squarely on our shoulders. No longer can we say "but God said", "but God wants" now becomes OUR responsibility. I'm responsible for you as you are responsible for me. 
What about the rotten apple that spoils the barrel? We can't think this way anymore. We can't let the whole barrel spoil or just toss out the rotten apple. We are responsible for making sure the apple doesn't become rotten, or we need to heal the rotten spots. 
Sometimes, we need rotten apples to bring out the best in ourselves. I'm not saying we are meant to fix and save the world alone, on our personal shoulders, but we are meant to bear our part of the burden. 
When there are too many broken connections, there will be holes, and frays in the matrix but as long as there are strong members of the matrix, the matrix will not dissolve.   
To bring paradise or, in the terminology of many religions, Heaven to Earth, we need to make this matrix as strong as possible. How do we do this? Again, so simple, yet so the best YOU possible. You are the only YOU. You are a connector made for your special spot in the matrix, and yes, without you, there is a missing piece. 

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