Thursday, May 17, 2012

If Suess translated the bible and more!

If God Only Knew

one god two god
red god blue god
my god your god
good god bad god

loving god hateful god
giving god selfish god
graceful god vengeful god
new god old god

green eggs and ham
god i am
i make the rules 
you are the spam

i will not change them
not for you
you can not make me
no not you

Star belly sneetches at stars upon thar bellies
Plain belly sneetches had non upon thars
The star bellies think all should be like them
They write books and preach and shout

But maybe just maybe the star belies are wrong
Plain bellies shouldn't change at all
Stars and not special they just are what they are 
Inside is what matters...what matters right thar

Maybe you read this as silly, maybe as serious.  My mood as I write? Mixed. Emotional roller coaster. What a few weeks I have had. A affects B.......B affects C...C crushes and hurts D and E and then.....E finds the strength to make it all better.

Where am I going with this?? Trying to say there is NO right answer no right path. For me I believe if we follow the way of peace and love....well we have paradise. We have a long way and many different parts to play to get there. 

And the song???? What if she is a loving deity that has given us free will......she sees all this pain but also knows pain is growth and to take back her gift would be make us lesser beings?   Just a thought.

Shalama dear friends

1 comment:

Aiynjel said...

I absolutely love the way you think...such insight and depth yet so simple and straight forward...I know a little man just like that...His name is A.J. and he is my son...Huggles and snuggles