Thursday, December 15, 2011

Angels, Demons, and ME...OH MY!!!

I keep asking questions and not many are answering publicly....but your loading up my inbox in face book and e-mail so hopefully I'm getting something right here in my own little pulpit! I still hope for more discussion, but until then I'm grateful for what is being shared with me personally. I've grown so much, and gotten to know some of you much better.

The last two years have been very hard and there has all been a lot of healing. Especially these last few months. Thank you for all that have taken part in that journey.

Tonight I want to combine two things that I/we have talked about and then ask my nightly question.

I wrote about Good/Bad Wolf and got some interesting answers of how do you feed one or the other.

I got some good answers on the blog and even more in my inbox (come on you guys SHARE with each other!!!  Your brilliant and insightful!)

I/we also talked about every day angels and many people had stories about who are their earthly angels, their guardian angels, and how they are angels to each other. This was one of my favorites as far as responses go. However, again I say......respond here on the forum or over on facebook so we can all talk together!!

I bring these two up because last night while not able to sleep I was taking one of my normal (for me) wandering paths through the internet and I found an partial interview with Train , a musician, talking about the back ground to his very famous song Calling All  Angels!

It was interesting to me, because this song like many other have so many layers of meaning to me depending on how I feel at the time, or where I am in life. He said he was almost hesitant to share the personal meaning behind it because so many saw it as some what of a love song...and it really wasn't...unless it was a love song to himself.

He shared about being deep in therapy and self inspection, when his therapist finally told him...we are all made up of angels and demons.....a spiritual yin yang. That it is up to you to have the courage and power to call upon the angels so you can do good.

I've been thinking about this every since. How amazing is that? To CHOOSE to have to power to call the personal angels within YOURSELF. To give YOURSELF the power to change to world. To be some ones angel. Even if it is as simple as making some one in pain smile for just a minute. That smile could be contagious and who knows where it would go. Or maybe that smile gives the person the reason and courage to go on just a little longer.

The flip side? Allow our hurt, revenge, even laziness to have the power to call up the demons. To choose to call up our own personal demons. To cause hurt, pain, emotional scars and tears. What if out pettiness, cause us to choose to call our demons on a particular day instead of our angels? Are we responsible
for hurt we cause unknowing?

We like to take credit when we cause a smile that spreads, like a pay if forward sort of thing (see where I tied in movie and song???) Its very easy to say hey I put so and so in a good mood and look what they did, that was all cause of me. So do we assume on some level, the bad too? We frowned when some one wished us merry Christmas, it made them grumple at the next person they saw, that person kicked a dog, the dog bit a little old lady.....I know its pushing it but I think you see where I'm going.

Now I'm not here to get into theology on this one about are all angels good and all demons bad. Lets just go on the premise that angel=good..demon=bad, for this discussion. I promise we can open this can of worms another time.

So question for the night...... how do you choose, dig deep, and find the inner power to call your angels??

How do you see past your emotional or physical pain  and bring out angels?

Do you every just decide" f*ck" I hurt and so can they, so you CHOOSE to let the demons fly?

I'll be personal and very honest here.... some times I'm tired,,,I hurt to my physical core from seizures, this and other things have me emotionally down and then there is that one last thing.....the one that may seem simple to the person that did it, but it cut me to my very being and I want to let those demons out. I feel them coming to the surface and I think how good it would be to just let them fly free for a little while. Sometimes in this mood I'm sure I say that hurtful word or thought to some one that I would never truly mean to hurt. It takes every ounce of my...what?? I'm not even sure, soul, heart, being??  To call them back down and call out the angels.

So I ask you my friends, how do you make the choose, every reach deep in your soul and come out with angels??

How do you know when you have let the demons out, maybe just a little? Is there a personal sign? How do you stop at that point?

How do you deal with the fact that those very angels or demons you call are part of you? Not a mystical magical creature, but part of your spiritual being? Does it scare you to know both are there? It does me!

"Calling All Angels"

I need a sign to let me know you're here
All of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere
I need to know that things are gonna look up
'Cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup

When there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head
When you feel the world shake from the words that are said

And I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels

I won't give up if you don't give up [Repeat x4]

I need a sign to let me know you're here
'Cause my TV set just keeps it all from being clear
I want a reason for the way things have to be
I need a hand to help build up some kind of hope inside of me


When children have to play inside so they don't disappear
While private eyes solve marriage lies cause we don't talk for years
And football teams are kissing Queens
and losing sight of having dreams
In a world that what we want is only what we want until it's ours

[Chorus x2]

Calling all you angels [Repeat till fade]

May you sleep in peace tonight...surrounded by your angels!


JC Farris said...

I think my demons come out when I get so angry particularly about the way religion is used to hurt other people. Its my pet peeve I guess. I want to put my angel wings around the hurting, but instead attack the "hurters" like a pit bull.

I also tend to put my "demons" out as a defense mechanism myself when I am feeling incredibly shy. My social anxiety can be overwhelming and it is easier to be an ass and push people away when I really just want a hug but am too scared.

I have found I must consciously cultivate my angels and give them the power to overcome my nature to be defensive. I have to figure out "what do I need?" Do I need some quiet time? Do I need to talk about it? Do I need to write about it? If I don't give my angels that time, I starve them.

I think we all have to study ourselves, recognize the good and bad, the strengths and the pain, find out what is necessary to deal with both and then just do it.

When we do that, then we can look out into the world, see the pain of others (instead of just seeing jerks), and show empathy. Then our angels shine.

Steph Martin said...

I firmly believe that we all have demons. Mine definitely come out of hiding but I'm working on suppressing them some. That anger of mine has gotten me into trouble, you see.

don't think we should ignore our demons, though. We need to acknowledge. Jamie did a good job of explaining hers and she seems to understand them. My demons come out when my loved ones are in danger- be it real danger or danger in my own mind and heart. My demons actually act as a form of protection. I go postal while trying to protect them.

I do nurture my angels. We can't take our angels for granted or else we will lose them. Obviously, I'd rather see and experience my angels more often than my demons.