Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Merry Xmas! <----------Christ is in the X



X Stands for Christ


Xmas is derived from a mixture of Greek and English. Greeks used X as the symbol for Chi, Christo or Xristo. X is the Greek symbol for Christ. In early Christian times, X was used as the symbol for Christ himself.

 It is believed that during the early Christian era, Christians put an X symbol above their door to identify themselves to each other while keeping their faith secret in a society that persecuted Christians.
The chi rho is also an early symbol used. It takes the first two letters of Christ name in greek, chi and rho, to make one of the earliest Christian symbols.
Early Christians also (and many today) included the Alpha and Omega symbols representing Christ is the beginning and the end. 

OK education done for the day , I have a question. One I've been posing to myself. 
What if you woke up in the morning and it was illegal to be a Christian. You can't say the name of Christ. You can't quote scripture. You can't use scripture to prove who you are.

I'm not talking about ways Christian here in the US today perceive themselves as persecuted just because we are trying to be more inclusive. Not being "mistreated" because people say holiday instead of Christmas, but truly persecuted. Life or death. Locked in a dungeon PERSECUTED!

What would you do to prove you were a Christian....Christ Like? Going with the assumption that you believe in a Jesus and God of love..what would your actions be? Would you be willing to live with your actions not your words and memorization of the bible proving your faith? Would you be willing to write Xmas? Would you be totally lost because the proof of your Christianity is all verbal and proven by quoting scripture and SAYING you are a Christian? Are you only a Christian in the four walls of the church on Sunday morning? What to do if they were all burned down? Would you still be "you" with out all these badges and obvious proofs?

Do your actions, or only your words, show your Christianity?

My request to you is to come up with some ways (and SHARE them with us) that your ACTIONS are Christ like. Also does anyone have any other symbols of Christ or Christian they would like to share??

Matthew 18:20

New Living Translation (NLT)
20 For where two or three gather together as my followers,[a] I am there among them.”



Shellie said...

I believe I would truly take a bullet to prove I believe in Christ. If it was illegal, then shoot me now. As far as making a list of how I am a Christian, I won't do that. God wants us to be humble. Making a list, to me, would be bragging. How I think of myself may be in no way how other's perceive me and my faith. I may think I am good but we all fall short of God's glory. I would rather list my short comings in God's eyes.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Shellie the thought of. Love so great to take a bullet moves me heart and soul. Thank you.