Friday, December 16, 2011

A moon by any other name....

When I first discovered the moon,  I gave it a different name.
But everyone kept calling it the moon. 
The real name never caught on. 
 Brian Andreas

For some reason this makes me think of faith and courage. What are they? Does it take courage and or faith to stand by what you believe in, even if no one else sees it the same way as you do?

Do those of you that see the world a little different, feel frustrated or lucky? Ashamed or joyful?

I often see the world very differently, my upbringing, my autism, my Carrie(ness), who knows. For awhile people tried to medicate it out of me and I let them. Let me tell you that was when I was a MESS! Yes, sometimes it is a little scary and overwhelming to see things so differently.....but I'm thankful I do. I'm even more blessed when I  have the courage to share with others what I "see"...often it shows them a different way at looking at something and they like it. Even more exciting to me , is it gives them the courage to open up to me and share how they see something new and different too.

It's very interesting to me that some faiths teach you to be a blind follower, everything is literal. To me this takes great faith and courage. To take what some one else is teaching you , take their word for it, place it in your heart and soul and learn to believe and have faith in it.

Other faiths encourage you to meditate, to reach with in and explore. To study to learn and to expand your mind. Again, this takes faith and courage. Yes of a different sort, to trust yourself, to trust God's/Higher Power's voice with in you.

To me faith and courage often go hand in hand and are powerful things. Scary when used to hurt, amzing when used to heal and grow. Seems like both types can go either way.

I'm a seeker.....I want to learn learn learn.....learn from books, learn from stories, learn from others, learn from you, learn from experience, learn from my soul when I let my self hear God speak to it. This is my comfort, this is my joy. This is my faith renewed every day.

Where do  you find your faith?

Are we really just following different paths to the same God?

We all take our rest under the same beautiful peaceful moon that God has created for each and every one of us. God's gift to us ALL. May you find the peace, the strength, the courage and faith to take you where every your journey leads, to share it with others, and invite them along!

A moon by any other name...may be even more beautiful!


The poem above is from a site called story people. Please check it out. I have found much inspiration and points in my life from here. Its also a lot of fun!! (Just click on the pretty purple link)

Again I invite you to share stories bought to mind by what I have written and the questions I have asked. AND please share this link!!! I know I say this most every night, but here it is again....share with us....I think we all want to learn, different opinions and beliefs are welcomed and help us all learn. Just first and fore most..RESPECT please. Disagree but not in a hateful condescending way.

I know some times blogger won't let every one respond...if this happens just respond on face book and I will cute and paste for you. Be anonymous if it helps, but peoples names with their thoughts are a beautiful think.

Love to all!!!
Carrie Lynn

1 comment:

JC Farris said...

You are right about a lot of things here. The courage to say you don't believe the same others do tAkes more courage than I originally thought. The other day at work a customer saw a book I had with me and assumed she knew my belief. I went along with it and later felt like an ass. It's easy to do online but another in public. Wish I could share the god I love even thought she is different from the status quo here in the bible belt .