Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Zen Frogs and Pickles have made my Christmas!

Woooooshhhh!!!!  What a busy, holy days season!!!!!!! And to be honest, its not even over yet. Jamie and I have declared Epiphany, "Stocking Day". If Epiphany is good enough for Jesus to get his presents, then its good enough for us too!! :)
I think this season I have gotten some of the most thoughtful and loving and "ME" gifts I've ever gotten. I've received everything from pink and green frogs, sherbert colored fish, candy, a waterproof phone cover, numerous videos and last but not least, a pickle with a Santa hat on it. (This is a condensed version, but you catch my drift of how thoughtful and loving everyone was. I can only hope my baby xmas trees, pens, "perfume", charms, and paw prints come close to the TLC I received.)

But OHHHHHHHHH the pickle! Let me tell you about the pickle!!! A friend that I have been getting to know better and better through work and my blog gave me my amazing pickle.

Here is my pickle!!!

Here is a very brief history of the pickle

Growing up Lutheran, and some small percentage of German, I knew some of the history of The Christmas Pickle. My cousins had one and I knew something about an extra present, but that's about as far as it went. When reading the history on MY pickle, I learned the part about slowing down and appreciating the other ornaments. Hmmmmmm. Teaching children, or adults, to slow down and appreciate at Christmas time. Kind of a novel concept. 

Now that Christmas is basically over (except those of us waiting for Epiphany), lets look back in retrospect for a moment. What allowed you to step back and take a moment to appreciate your surroundings? What allowed you to take a breath and enjoy the moment? Was there anything that actually took your breath away? 

Think about this a little. Then please take time and share your answers with us. I'm not asking for a list of things, electronics, or expensive gifts you got for Christmas. Share with us the little breathtaking frog or pickle moments. Did you even take time to allow yourself to have a frog or pickle moment? Did you give a pickle or frog moment? 

Rainbow Haley & Rainbow Claude

 Dear Friends, 

I've missed all of you and our discussions and comments so much. I can't thank you enough for all the prayers/concerns/karma/warm thoughts/good wishes for the healing of my ears. Also, for the quick arrival of our new computer cord. 

Hope no one has forgotten about my blog, please invite more friends to join and comment as we close out this year and start a new one. 

Love, peace, and shalom to all.

Carrie Lynn


Shellie said...

Pickles always makes me smile. I think pickles are an underestimated veggie! They don't get enough credit. I can remember my mom and mamaw always canning pickles when I was a kid. If you were raised in the South you know someone who still has a garden and cans their own foods. Pickles are a staple food in the south, at least was for me growing up. Soup beans and cornbread and of course bread and butter pickles.

I am glad you had a Christmas filled with love and good cheer. I had an all round good day. No breath taking moments, just a nice even steady goodness to the day. Sometimes steady goodness is best. It starts out slow like a tiny spark and grows with each moment until at the end of the day you are warm and filled with new memories. That steady fire of memories can carry one through hard times and moments when the world is unkind and has beaten you up. I will think back to Christmas 2011 and remember the how I was wrapped in a loving blanket all day long.

JC Farris said...

Indeed in the simplicity of the moment, of the gift, of the gesture, can we find the real magic and joy. The excitement in these little things seems to make your heart want to explode with joy and excitement. It doesn't always have to be something big that makes a big difference for someone. Def a lesson I have learned recently.

Gracia said...

I love how you mentioned appreciating all the ornaments. I've seen so many different colors, styles, themes, plain and fancy, bright or subdued, glittery or just plain silly. Yet enjoying them all, even though they are different, is one of the nice things about the holidays for me. We celebrate Kwanzaa and Hanukah and Christmas, all the different traditions and family celebrations from big to small, all over the world. Mine may be different from yours. Your post reminded me that each of us is special and unique, just like the ornaments. Thank you Carrie!

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

I love how much people share when they post!! Thank you. Please keep inviting friends so we can continue to learn more. G. this year I've been learning a little about Hanuka and hope to learn enough to truly honor it next year. Kwanaza I know nothing about so I'm depending on you there dear friend.
Shellie...you better be ready for pickle to show up in the future you dont know when you dont know where or why but...
J....thanks for helping the simple be the most beautiful