Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Compromise, the great equalizer

Give up the television
remote. Let someone
else control it. You
know who you are
and if this suggestion
is for you.

Today's suggestion is pretty simple. Notice I said simple not easy. Giving up CONTROL is rarely easy.
My partner Jamie and I talked about this one a lot the last few days. Mainly because we are broke and don't have cable so no one is in control of the TV remote. So this is one we had to give some extra thought to

So we used the time to talk about other controls we have in our house. Driving and leaving the house is a big one.....she gets control over that....I can't drive because of seizure history and also she has trouble with panic so just walking out thedoor is never easy for her. Is it frustrating for me? You bet, is it about emotional control, never! Is it fair? In our family it is, I understand her need.

Food!!!! There is a major control issue in our house. J things cheap cheap cheap!!! I think if its so cheap we don't eat it and end up buying something else its a waste. o`is a control issue. I have major issues about what I will eat because of my autism. Texture and smell that is what it is all about. Taste comes far down the list.for me and for many on the spectrum. She has lactose and ciliac problems so we make choices based on that. Then of course ad in her panic, I like to go in and sit and have refilled ice tea, she likes to eat in the car on the go, which stresses me. I don't have my routine of organizing my food and drink, and for some one that doesn't  have ASD (autism spectrum disorder) or loves one of us this sounds silly, but it is so far from silly.

Sigh, after a year we are still working on compromise on this!! But that is the key, we work on it, we learn and we compromise. Somethings are more important to one or the other so they get more "wins" in that category, but the other gets more wins in another. Give and take and LEARN!!!

These are just a few things we deal with, and yes we may have more because of her panic and my autism, but it is so worth it. Our life is beautiful and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

 Compromise, if not the spice of life, is its solidity. It is what makes nations great and marriages happy.

So Mote it be   "So mote it be" is near equivocal expression to the Judeo-Christian "Amen", though "So Mote It Be" doesn't mean "Amen." The phrase used by some Wiccans means "As I will it, so it shall be"
 While this is not so much a compromise quote the sentiment seems to me to be a good one after a long discussion of compromise with a couple or group.

Peace in ourselves, peace in the world.
- Thich Nhat Hanh

The Bible 1 Corinthians 

One idea that J and I discussed while talking about compromise is religion and most specifically Jesus. It seems many people want to put a name brand on Jesus and the bible, a patent if you will like Nike.

Do you think Jesus and God/dess by what ever name or faith you use is a one size fits all?

One of my goals to strive for in the next few weeks of Lent,  while I may disagree, is to listen to people talk about their faith in different ways then I believe,  particularly the more conservative. Will I learn something from them? I don't now. Will I learn something that will make my faith stronger? Maybe..... my hope is not to change me or some one else but to ad to mine and to their faith.

Blessed Be

For tomorrow:
It's a Leap Year and
today is the extra day
we get in 2012. The
perfect day to give
up procrastination.
Whatever you've been
putting off, do it now.

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