Sunday, February 26, 2012

The sound of MIRACLES

Sundays are actually
"in" Lent but not "of"
Lent. Sundays aren't
counted in the 40 days
because Sunday is
always a "little Easter."
Try shouting for joy
somewhere, sometime
today because it’s a
"little Easter."

Most of you know Jamie and I have not found a church home per say, however, we celebrate God/dess and our Higher Power by being out in Nature.

As the calender quote from above says every Sunday is a "little Easter", what better way to honor and celebrate it then giving in to our spring fever and heading off to be with Mother Earth.

Today was particularly exciting for me because this was my first venture in Nature with my "new ears". I've had hearing loss since birth and these are the first new ears to really work. I was very excited to hear the voice of God/dess with my ears and not just with my heart.

I often explore the world with what many call a child-like wonder. Today seemed even more so.

In a nutshell here is my "poetic" recap of the sounds of the day.

quack quack REALLY goes the duck

chitter chatter squeak squeak the squirrel says "Come on! Come on!"

tinkle and a splish splish says the tiny water fall

scuff scuff scuff.. Hey now I know how everyone else knows to move over when a runner comes from behind

crackle pop crackle the ice is melting in the sun

roar whoosh splash the waterfall calls

blurb thump blurb thump I heard the helicopter WAY up there

wickie tweet tweet wickie wickie the robins talk across the way

bubble burble shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the waterfall joins the creek
my heart swells with the sounds and love of God/dess

God/dess gives each of us many miracles every day. Science, nature, technology, and love to name a few. Just open up your soul and LISTEN they are all around!


1 comment:

Aiynjel said...

I LOVE THIS!!!! It brought tears to my eyes because new experiences are always amazing, but so is life itself. I am so happy for you and I think that just maybe I will start to go to the park and carry my bible with me. I can study and pray until my heart is content and no one can judge me but him. Sending love and support your way. <3<3<3<3