Monday, February 27, 2012

The Road Less Troubled (or what big teeth they have granny)

Think of someone
you need to thank
and write them an
old-fashioned thank you
note. Even if it’s
just to say “thank you
for being you.”

I love this calender for Lent. It is making me more and more comfortable with  the journey and the process. maybe I should tell the people over at UCC thank you for it. :)

The idea of saying thank you to some one during a time of repentance is interesting to me. They at first seem to not make a great "mash up" at all.  Then I started thinking of all the amazing people in my life who have made me ME and kept me on a good path or at least taught me options away from the bad paths. 

In no way, shape, or form am I perfect, but I do the best I can and because of these people I feel I have at least a little less to repent. I also know while I am not perfect, I am beloved of my parent, God/dess and I am on the path chosen for me. 

While I have many many many to thank, my earliest role model was my Granny. She not only taught us right from wrong, she taught us to be open to be feeling love differently.  I honestly believe she gave us the firm foundation and the security of the love of God/dess and comfort in our own skin. 

So thank you to everyone who has helped make me ME. Most of all, my Granny. 

(Please be patient, this was one of the very first videos I did over a year ago. There are a few mistakes and typos, but the sentiment has only gotten deeper.)

FYI I did write the physical old fashioned thank you note, but that's a little more on the personal side.

OK guys. One of these days I really am going to get you to share. Question of the night....anyone have something and/or someone they are thankful for that has kept them on the good path?

Tomorrow's Lenten Idea:
Give up the television
remote. Let someone
else control it. You
know who you are
and if this suggestion
is for you.

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