Sunday, December 4, 2011

Are you a love letter or a Dear John?

“I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.”
― Mother Teresa

If you are God's pencil..... Do people run to or away from God after seeing what is written.

Are you helping to write a love letter or a "dear John " letter?

Think about it. Should be simple.... I'm pretty sure anyone that has found their way to my page believes in a God of love.

We and I do mean all of "we" get caught up in semantics and translations. There should be one word. LOVE No matter the language actions or examples. It should be love.

Or as Jesus would say Rakhma

Tada amen shalom that is all.


Trig said...

I love your unique and clear insights into the purpose of our lives. Thank you for writing, Carrie!

Shelley B. Kesselman said...

Wow...that's probably the most profound theological question I have seen in a long time, and in my world, that's saying a lot!

It's true - the issue isn't whether or not we witness to our faith, but HOW we do so. We forget that, and really compromise ourselves by getting sloppy about things. Hypocrisy and infighting are two of the biggest charges levied against the institutional church by outsiders, and with good reason.

It's enough to make Baby Jesus cry. I know it makes ME cry.

The primitive Church may have posed a threat to the status quo in many ways, but it also earned a certain amount of respect for really living up to its espoused values. Others frequently marveled at "how these Christians loved one another!" What happened? We love the parable of the Good Samaritan, but how often do we show that kind of love and compassion toward someone we regard as "Other"?

I really love the idea of our lives as love letters - ours to God and God's to other people. What a privilege! And what an awesome responsibility. Thanks, Carrie for some real food for thought. I'll be musing on this one for a good long time.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Shelley. I saw the quote that Jamie had osted earlier in the day. Made me think about how we present God to the world. After all we are Gods messengers. I would love to hear more thoughts after you muse dear neighbor!