Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Are you there God? It's me Santa!

I asked on my profile a couple of months ago if people thought it was ok or even possible for God to wear different "clothes" depending on who God is talking to.

I got some interesting answers. Everything from "That would be hypocritical of God, everyone gets the same God", to "Hellz yeah God looks different to me depending on what I need at any time".

I have so many friends from so many walks of life that I think about this often. Can we believe in the same God, but through different eyes? With different names? This is kind of scary, but maybe even different rules? I mean the rules did change from the old to the new testament in a lot of ways!!

I recently read a children's book that that posed this question in a child like but very deep and spiritual form.
The book is by Neale Donald Walsch, and I know he is a little out there for some of my conservative friends, but I really believe he speaks from is heart and soul.

The book is Santa's God.

Hopefully Mr. Walsch will forgive me for giving away the plot to a beautiful book, but I am doing it to share his beautiful thoughts with you. So here is my short condensed, cliff notes, version.

A young girl tells her friends she is going to wait up this year to meet Santa. They tell her if she does, she must prove it by having asked him a very hard question. She waits up and when Santa gets there she ask many questions to Santa's great delight. They have an enjoyable time sharing questions and then answers. Then she looks to Santa very solemnly and ask "Santa, who is the real God?" Santa sits in shock because of such a big question from a little girl.

He quickly gathers himself and walks her over to the mantle where there are many Santa figures. He ask her how many she can name, what part of the world they are from etc. etc. Then he whispers to her "It's a lot like that with God". 

OK I took some pretty liberal interpretations to condense a beautiful book. BUT.....is this possible? Can God be "different" to different people?

Many believe the bible is the "literal" word of God, I find this hard to deal with because of all the contradictions. The answer I get it well " man interpreted and man is fallible". OK so its literal and a translation. Yup I'm confused, but that is a discussion for many more blogs to come.  Right now I'm just curious of your thoughts. One God only...the one the conservative church defends so vehemently, or is it possible, just maybe God is bigger then one definition?

I ask this because I truly want to hear opinions. I think people or worried that disagreements what have you will result. My hope is that we can have honest heart felt discussions with RESPECT. Voicing our opinions is not declaring another wrong. I'm starting to get a few more comments and thoughts. I hope more of you will join in and SHARE these post.

I'm not sure Teddy felt the "spirit" right then.

Happy Holy Days ,and yes, Santa does visit our house because in my view Santa is the spirit of love and giving. 

I feel I owe it to the author of the book to at lest place an ad. You don't have to watch if you don't want to, but here goes!!!

1 comment:

JC Farris said...

I love love love this story. I believe it is true that we are all walking up the same mountain, but that we have our individual paths, our individual journeys to take and God indeed will look different based upon those unique perspectives. When we expect God to look the same to all people, we cripple her ability to communicate with ALL.