Friday, December 9, 2011

What if God were one of us....just a Face book addict too?

Disclaimer: Dear friends who have known me for a while. This is a similar blog written about a year ago. As things stay the same, they also change. A few new ideas, a little bit of growth, and TADA a new blog

Where do you find God?

I've been asking this question a lot lately. Boy have I got some amazing answers. Here are some answers:

The Bible
In a pastor's words
and a few people said church

What do you think about finding God on the internet? Specifically  a social net work like face book?
Can face book possibly be holy or sacred ground? Yes I hear you, I know "evil" can lurk there. Pedophiles  can lurk and disguise themselves as fellow teens and lure young people astray or worse. I've read the stories of men leading innocent women basically to slaughter  over an internet hook up. Most recently I've heard of stories of homophobic gay bashers luring gay men to hook ups and then beating them.

If these bad things can happen, then can't good ones? Can you worship with friends over the internet? Can God speak through face book?? Can you evangelize, share God's word, share what God means to you, all over Facebook? 

Before any one jumps on me, I'm not saying that face book can replace "real life" interaction. But what about those that are shut ins, have panic issues, maybe just not into "regular" church? How about those whose job requires them to work traditional worship hours. Also, what about those who like to mull over what they hear/read before responding? I know many people who will interact in an online or social media forum that would never speak up in a church or bible study.  Can face book be a means of congregating and sharing? Maybe a stepping stone to other means of worship or connection.

To share a little of my recent history over the last two years....became a workaholic...unable to remember driving past a church, much less walking in.....because of exhaustion, had a grand mal seizure, hit a car, was out of work for a year, and became a partial shut in. During this time I became a MAJOR Facebook addict. I reconnected with friends from home that I had lost contact with. Through one of these friends, found an amazing group called WHOF (Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook) and while interacting on several different threads on WHOF, I not only met my dear Wubby, (who I now share the blog "Whisper Creek" with), but also many people that I hold dear to my heart as true friends. I met my pastor Robert Coats, who also writes a blog called "The Prophet in Pink Sneakers". I have found and interacted with several other amazing liberal/alternative Facebook Pages (one of my favorite being Epochalypsis) and believe it or not am getting to know several co workers better. I found the dog of my dreams, Teddy Farris himself, and through Teddy, a physical church, Scott County Humane Society, and many wonderful friends.

Not bad when two years ago I thought my world was crashing around me.

Once again, I am not saying in ANY way Facebook, digital media, TV ministry, a pastor on a video screen, radio evangelism, or recorded sermons can replace the fellowship of GOING to church. But sometimes it is a life saving and much needed alternative.

So, lets do a little comparison. For many..... 

church....discouragement        face book..... encouragement

church...discrimination            face book...... inclusion

church.....judgement               face book.... empowerment

church....guilt/shame    face book....acceptance/love

church.....loss of childhood friends   face book....reuniting with friends
Face book has been my cocoon and incubator. My "safe place". I know there are "good" churches out there, I grew up in one, even though I had a hard time finding one as an adult. I'm now finding them and meeting some wonderful people....I also know that I don't "have" to go to church.

A lot of this I found on Facebook with out the mention of God or my soul or the Bible. I found my way back to a safe, beautiful and wonderful place.

The reason I'm sharing all this with you guys again is because I want to encourage you to reach out through the internet. Give those virtual hugs. Have an "I love you" and "xoxoxoxxo" waiting in someones in box or wall when they log on.

Listen to that nudge you feel that tells you to write some one a brief message.

Share pictures of your happiness and youtube songs that make you feel good.

Those poems that explain to a T your heart break? Share them, you never know who you will make feel less alone.

Want to put a link up to your church? Go for it!!!!!

Use face book....reach out!!! The life you save just may be your own. 

My friends know my heart and soul yearns for a stole, a pulpit, and the title of "pastor". I'm working on my education and may one day get there. However, comments and emails shared with me after these blogs daily remind me, that while I may not have a stole or a title, I do have a quiet, simple, unpretentious pulpit called "Autistic Mystic".

Here are a few of the links I mentioned and a few others that are very meaningful to me. 

I hope some of you find comfort and inspiration in at least one of these pages. Please feel free to add other links in the comment section over on Facebook.

Love and peace to you all, my Facebook angels.


Shellie said...

Not feeling great mind and fingers won't let me comment other than saying I LOVE THIS BLOG.

Gracia said...

Triple Amen:) Beautifully said. You never know who will spoken to through social media. It has the power to reach people who might never have the freedom to search outside their church, or their own family or their own circle. It can be used to touch a young heart that believes they are unloved and unworthy. I have been blessed time and time again by the stories I found on Facebook. Its been a treasure Carrie, to stay in touch with you and Jamie. To get to read your blog whenever I have time, to feel the power of your ministry. Perhaps you don't have a stole or a title yet....but I believe you do a work that no one else but you can do. Thank you my friend

Steph Martin said...

As simple as this is, I think this might be my favorite blog of yours so far. It's completely true. You can find good and bad everywhere you look. We've had this discussion before and I think Facebook brings out the better in people. When people use it to vent, most times friends offer consoling words. If people can find love online, why can't they find God's love? I've learned so much about my spiritual self through your blog (causing me to think) that this proves your point.

I would, however, like to differentiate between facebook and televangelists. Facebook doesn't beg for money like they tend to. Online churches are one thing. Watching church on tv may work for many people and that's fine. BUT, when the sole purpose comes down to money, I'm not down with that.

Keep it up!

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

I'm glad people are reading and commenting. THANK YOU!! Steph I think one major difference between televangelist and face book is the chance to interact. Something I find very important in religious growth. You and I may disagree on thee being a difference in TV Ministry and televangelism but we do agree on the need for digital out reach..the important point ! :)
SHellie feel better! I love your input and miss you!! Gracia, I'm honored that you read my blog, can't wait for things to change a little so we actually have time to spend talking!!
Any one else out there have thoughts on this??
Digital out reach good, bad...depends on the message?

Gracia said...

It does take some thought and hopefully a little training to do church related social media. It's harder to communicate without a smile, or tears showing in your eyes, or a grin that takes the edge off a joke. To me, it takes being careful that the words I write really are clear and that I'm careful to be extra gentle when talking to anyone who disagrees with me. People who get online and bash others at the least little thing always amaze me. Don't they have anything better to do? I've learned not to read comments on news articles or political reports, it's just too depressing. Maybe some feel more free to be horrible from the safety of their keyboard. Mostly though, people on Facebook are very kind. Or maybe I'm just lucky in my choice of Facebook friends!