Thursday, December 1, 2011

Santa...St Nicolas....God.....Gift Givers, One and All

Jolly ol' Saint Nicolas, lean your ear this way

Sometimes, I think, in our human frailty, we like things to be much more tangible and hands on than God and spirituality can be. While we can see God in nature, a loved one's smile, and many many other things, we often need something more concrete. Humans like to touch, hold, and hug.

This is where I think Santa plays an integral part in the spirituality , not just the commercialism, of Christmas. Personally, I don't find this a bad thing.

Is there truly anything wrong having Santa as a huggable form of an all loving God? Oh, yes, I know, the song says "he knows when you've been good or bad" but aren't we still allowed to tell him our secret heart felt wishes?

While I know wishes to Santa are often materialistic, and prayers to God are more spiritual in nature, they often both give us a way to express our hearts desires in ways we often won't allow ourselves to, to each other. 

On the flip side, Santa and gift giving, when not gone over the top crazy, gives us a chance to express the God spirit in each of us in the form of gift giver. Christmas/Santa allows us the joy of giving and receiving, that we often don't allow ourselves any other time of year. 

So go ahead, make a wish list to Santa, fulfill a loved one's Santa's wish, play secret Santa, and sing "Jolly Ol' Saint Nicolas" to the top of your lungs. Remember if done in the spirit of love and generosity there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the above. 

Go ahead...I dare ya'....don your Santa hat, and your gift giver spirit, with no expectations, and I promise you, you will feel the spirit of Santa/St Nicholas/God warm your soul and heart. 


Shellie said...


Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

I can see u shell. Xo

Shellie said...

Ok sorry for the "testing" comment..I have not been able to post in a few days because of some kind of error so I see I can now....

I think everyone one of us is tired of the commercialism of Christmas but you are right Carrie! The tradition of gift giving is from the wisemen bringing gifts to baby Jesus. Christmas IS a time to give and receive gifts!

I myself will say "Oh there's nothing I NEED" (when asked by my mom what I would like for Christmas)...and that is true I don't NEED anything. I am fortunate, or blessed, enough that I have food, health, shelter, a job and people who love me. Baby Jesus didn't NEED frankincense and myrrh but that was the gifts he received. Christmas is a time for wishes of the heart, something fancy and maybe a little extravagant. Most of us get what we want throughout the year so why not ask "Santa" for the little (or big) extras. Got my list made out for my "Santa" named Joe-a new BPS rod and a silver charm pendant....although I REALLY want a log cabin on a lake somewhere, I'll be ok with a new fishing pole!

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

I'm happy you are able to post. I have giggles of joe a claus. My prayers are for your prayers and dreams to come to you