Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ain't no mountain high enough

Give up complicating
things. Instead of
making mountains
out of molehills, be
on the lookout for
ways to simplify.

Little mole hill hill hill
To me you are a mountain mighty and strong
Insurmountable I can not over come you
Little mole hill hill hill
I try to see you as small
But over you I still stumble 
Little mole hill hill hill
Others say its ok ok ok
I hear, you fucked up but, WE will fix it

Little mole hill hill hill
I need back my power
On you I could step and obliterate

Little mole hill hill hill
From you I will learn
I will step over you and bypass you

Little mole hill hill hill
On my way to mountains
That you have thought me to conquer

Little mole hill hill hill
You have given me practice
You have made me stronger
Little mole hill hill hill
From the shadow of the mountain watch
You have given me strength to ascend any mountain

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