Thursday, April 5, 2012

Is the crib and the cross all that matter

Jesus died on the
cross. Think about it.
Why did it happen?
Ask yourself what you
truly believe. Now ask

If there was no Crucifixion of Christ, no morbid death and torture, no resurrection, would you still follow the teachings of Yeshua? 
What if He was a great prophet, lived a long life, married and had children, and died a natural death. 

.....or are the teachings in between worthwhile or worthless? Do we only want flash and bang or are we willing to sit at the feet of the teaching rabbi and learn? Or are we only sitting at the foot of the cross and wailing? Waiting for another great miracle or have we learned and moved on??

Do we forget our spiritual life with out a significant reminder?
Many people say with out the Resurrection Christianity is just another religion.....what if? 


1 comment:

Terry said...

I too wonder why people refuse to see the amazing life of Christ. I wonder why they find it hard to believe he may have married, had children and experienced all life had to offer before giving his life in love. However, even his sacrifice is mis-represented as required by God to wash our sins away. When his sacrifice was actually given in love to the doubters, to those who persecute, and to the down trodden to show that we all are loved by God/des.