Monday, April 16, 2012

Jellybeans for all!!!

Out of the RUINS
of the UNLOVED
the NEGLECTED souls
we have become INSPIRED
to CREATE a spark
and to KINDLE a new beginning

Sometimes religion and culture leaves those of us who are unique feeling as if we are less than others. We often feel as if our lives are nothing but ruins. We feel unloved and neglected by those around us who choose to judge and make fun rather than take the time to get to know our uniqueness. 

I feel as if God/dess has given us this uniqueness to inspire not just ourselves, but those around us. When everyone is "normal" or engrained to think and believe the same things, it is hard to become inspired. I believe God/dess has made us in Their own image so we have the power to create. 

We are given a chance to kindle in each other a spark of love, kindness, and faith.

We are RUNICK for a reason!!!

Tonight a group of 4 met. To start something new. To explore, to ask questions, to grow and learn. Amazing thoughts were shared, future ideas. Ideas for study, for exploration and even for experimentation. Jelly beans, pizza and sweet tea were shared. The elements where called up on to help guide us. If our numbers grow...AMAZING....if not our group already has a heart.

In the words of Yeshua  Shelama

1 comment:

Lenora said...

We are bound for greatness in the exploration of ourselves and religious cultures. Whether it be 4 or 4000 we shal have a runick event every time we are together. Loved it all and thank you for opening your home to this.