Monday, April 16, 2012

The full circle of The Divine/There is nothing more than that!!!

Do I have a secret to life?
 Shall I share??
The sound of what cannot be seen sings within everything
There is nothing more to it than that

The Divinity is in us all!!! 
So many of my friends seem so down lately . Some for some very honest legitimate reasons.... life is hard. Work is hard. People get sick, pets die, friends move, friendships change, jobs change, and some times we just feel out of control.

Then there is this crappy reason.....we LET people tell us who we are. We let them define us.  I include myself in this we. So I starting thinking of God within us, us within God......the full circle of the Divine....The Divine is all and in all. Sounds unfair when we see evil going on....but we are able to convince ourselves to look for the good there. Soooooo it follows...find the good/Divine in yourself.
Find it...hold on to it. It's yours and yours alone. The Divine gave it to each of us and each of us alone. We are each given our own special piece of The Divine to nurture to grow and create. Treasure it.

1 comment:

Aiynjel said...

I really needed to read this today.. things are a bit out of control at the moment and I hate feeling helpless and powerless..Yet I have no control over what we are going through right now...I love you and always know that you guys are more than friends...YOU ARE FAMILY!!! Thank you for being there for me and helping us through this dark moment in life... this too shall pass, I just hope my sanity does not pass with it...