Monday, April 2, 2012

Bombs Away!!!

In honor of Easter,
when life and beauty
spring forth from death
and decay, take your
flower bombs and go
out to resurrect the
ugly places with
beauty! Try not to
get arrested.

Sometimes through lives struggles, its hard to see the beauty. But the beauty is always there. The other day when I was having one of my most stressful days I went outside to THIS............

It made my heart swell up with love from God/dess. She knows when we need that little extra hug in a way only he can give. Maybe a blooming tree is not the same as comforting arms around you but, when God/dess knows one of your favorite colors and you walk outside to a sight like the above, how can you not have renewed hope?

As many of you know, the time since my surgery has been a roller coaster and many of you have been there for me and I can't thank you enough. Between my family, my friends, and my readers, plus better success at work and healthier ears, life has been on an upswing. Thank you!!!

Sometimes spring can be difficult for me because I give it such high expectations. This year I have decided to emotionally sit back and enjoy. Today I went on my first run/walk which to me is a form of meditation. I had a great conversation with God/dess and felt I was truly able to open my soul to listen in return. 

How do you each see renewed hope in spring? Does seeing the lillies poke through the dead leaves help? The ducks starting to pair up and perhaps even sit on a  nest? The birds singing everywhere? (Yes this year, I actually get to enjoy those bird songs with you). How about the fresh feeling after a spring rain? The crickets and frogs chattering away in the evening? Or maybe just sitting outside in the spring air with a loved one? 

Ok ok ok......according to the challenge we are supposed to be talking about spreading spring and easter ourselves. Even though we are in TN, the air is a little chilly, but Jamie and I have our flower bomb ingredients at the ready and within the next week.......Bombs Away!!!!!!        


On a personal note a friend of mine I have made through this blog is going through a really rough time because her husband is seriously ill. She is struggling to come to grips with this, the patience while waiting on test results, and the logistics of a special needs child all at the same time. Please keep her and her family in your prayers, meditations and thought.

1 comment:

Aiynjel said...

Thanks hun... I love you guys and yes you are family...