Saturday, November 26, 2011

Every day Angels

Almost every denomination, religion or form of spirituality, has some form of angels.

Today, for whatever reason, I'm very aware of many of my angels.

I have my partner, who is very willing to type my blog so my brain can get these thoughts out faster than I can write or type. She loves me because of what we are together and the family we create.

I have my co-workers, who are too many to name (cause I would hate to forget somebody), who always have my back,  help me learn,  make sure I take my medicine, feed me, make me smile, give me hugs, and even bring me crickets (for Charlie, the dragon and Henry and George, the anoles). They also make me feel loved, special, and booster my self confidence every day.

My friends, (some of who are the same as my co-workers), some serve many of the same functions as the above, only they are on Facebook. Of course there are others, who just love me for being me. Friends who help us take care of our animals. Friends who help us afford gas. And friends who are TRUE friends.

Teddy, my faithful canine companion, is one of my most special and unique angels who just tonight was so agitated he couldn't settle down until he got me to take my extra dose of seizure medicine. He also loves me no matter what and goes totally bananas just because he's happy to see me walk in the door.

My family, both very new, and cousins I have had for about forty years, who are,

Jamie's parents, who love me, help clothe and feed us, and without whom, some days, I'm not even sure where we'd live.

Friends and family, who are no longer living on earth with us, but watch over me nonetheless.

I already mentioned Facebook angels, who are there at a moments notice, when they detect even a hint of sadness in a post or status.

Of course there are many religious traditional angels (the archangel, seraphim, cherubim and guardian form).

Thank God I have all of these angels watching over me. I'm sure I couldn't make it through a single day without all this help.

Who, and/or what do you consider YOUR angels?  


Steph Martin said...

This is out of the ordinary for me, but here goes. (You know I'm struggling with religion...)

I have a newly found angel. My partners best friend passed away this week after an 11 year battle with cancer. Patti was and is an angel. She led her life to serve to God. I know, I know, that's not my thing. But she was one of the few people I ever met that truly loved the Lord and shared that with people without preaching. She didn't do it to be cool. She did it because that's what she believed. Her favorite Bible verse was "Trust in the Lord." That's is. Nothing complicated. She was truly selfless, always doing for others. She and my Karen were best friends for over 40 years. Good times and very bad times and everything in between. I know she is in Heaven looking over us. When Karen and I got together, she was just coming out. She told Patti about me and Patti was so happy for Karen. I feel bad because they didn't spend that much time together since we got together because both got busy with life (Karen with me and Patti with her college aged daughter and her fiance). Patti prayed for me through my cancer and always asked about me. We use her parents pool every summer and continue to visit her parents throughout the year.

Patti Hunt is my angel. I know she has already shown me signs since she has been gone on Sunday. Today was her memorial service and it was beautiful. She will be buried on Monday and that will be very difficult, but we will get through it.

I'm sorry to have hijacked your post. Keep up the great work!

Terry Hull said...

I agree with you Carrie, we have angels every where helping us through the day. They are reminders of God's unending love for us. They are there to keep us grounded in the love and shielded from the hate that we face daily. And when we need them they rise up to support us in our daily battles to end the hate and promote his love.

JC Farris said...

I always felt like my childhood dog, Cuddles watches over me. Probably sounds stupid to people, but he was with me from the time I was 10 until I was in my early 20s. I was such an awkward kid, not one to hang out with other kids, so he and I were always together. He sat with me when I was lonely and sad. I wish he had been with me here on earth when I was coming out (one of the hardest times of my life), but his memory was.

JC Farris said...

Oh, and I forgot to say I think its important for us to try to be someone else's angel too. We shouldn't wait around for miracles to occur. Praying for someone is good. Being the active answer to the prayer instead is better.

Anonymous said...

What would we do without each other? Kinda makes me feel good that I could make a difference for someone else. I like the idea that I could be an angel for others. Seems a little more important when you put it that way. Seems like if everyone tried to do that we would have a touch of heaven on earth.