Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sir Nicholas Von Holly, Nicky if you please!!

The last 24 hours have been interesting. My autistic "flappy melt down ness" has been a mess to say the lest. My girl hormones , well lets just say there is not worries....still a girl!!!! Mix that with still on emotional roller coaster from new seizure meds and excitement from Christmas and out comes an emotional Carrie Lynn!!  No small emotions either. Nice big over the top ones. Fun for me and all involved!!!

Last night I posted during one of my melt downs face book and not only got encouragement through face book friends but woke up this morning to well over 50 notifications of love and support and I'm not sure how many text. The details to the melt down may be minor, but the melt down it self was a doozy!!  To all that helped, thank you.

The helped continued today while I tried to gather my self enough to function in public and work.  To be honest I wasn't sure it would happen, but the face book messages and text continued. Not to mention the love of family and Teddy!! Oh and of course knowing that my work is a GOOD place for me to be. I love my co-workers.

God took care of the rest, like always.

I have a short story to send about God showing up in small even stealth ways to help in these situations.

Remember the scripture from Matthew :

 "He will answer them, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you failed to do one of these things to someone who was being overlooked or ignored, that was me—you failed to do it to me."

Today while setting up for work, two ladies came in and told a brief story (I was in the back so didn't hear it all) about getting a new puppy and it needing a bath NOW! They had a 5 hour drive to make with a puppy that was well..mmmm a little smelly. Slowly they started to tell that it was a special situation and special puppy could we please help. I still wasn't sure of the story,  from the back but every one was looking around trying to figure out how to make this happen for these ladies. (we didn't have a bather coming in for a few more hours, all the groomers were very busy,  and bathing and drying a fluffy squirmy new puppy can take a good hour or more and that was about all the time they had) Obviously every one wanted to make this happen but how?...... All of a sudden several sets of eyes were on me and I was asked to take the puppy, and if I got behind on my dog I would get help. Wasn't sure why i was picked, but hey I was going with it, I got to love on a puppy!!!

A co-worker checked in "no name" puppy and off I went to bath him.  I always have fun bathing dogs especially puppies , usually I'm alone in the bathing room or with one other person and it makes me comfortable enough to sing and talk to the doggie to my hearts delight.

While bathing and drying "no name" I started getting in my "I can't stop crying place" again. So since it was just me and "no name" I was telling him my whole story. Finally, I told him he had to have a name, this just wasn't working for me. He looked at me and as plan as day I heard in my head "Sir Nicholas Von Holly, but call my Nicky if you please". So Nicky it was. I was continued to cry out these pent up tears and he whimpered and howled a little. Not sure if in sympathy for me , or because it was his first trip from mama and pack mates. Maybe we were both crying a little for each other.

Well as every one knows, grief and pain shared is halved, so soon our tears were dried up and as I finished drying him we continued to chat about how exciting the future can be even though on known. By the end of the hour we were great friends. Even if I did have to pluck a few ear hairs, trim some "private areas" and clip those sharp puppy toenails.

I called the "pet parents" and when they showed up to pick him up I told them a very brief story of how he told me all about what his name was and when they said "Hey Nicky" his tail wagged for the first time. They said they licked the name but it wasn't their choice. I gave them his "pawgress" report, our version of a good boy report card and off they went.

My day was better for having some puppy loving but still a little off, gott bad news...had a grumpy dog etc.  But still better then the night before.

Just as I was starting to feel a little sorry for again myself , the phone rings, (its like after 7pm) and a very polite lady ask for me by name. I told her it was me and she said...well this is a little unusual but we have a special young friend that would like to talk to you, we're sorry we really can't share his name but he says he must must MUST thank you.

This little voice came on the phone and said "Hi Miss Carrie"... He proceeded to tell me how Nicky had told him too all about his name and how special it was. He thanked me for taking care of his special new friend, Nicky and was so very glad that I had made time to bathe his new friend. He said the nice ladies that bought him to the house had said we were super busy and 2 nice ladies helped out. He had also been told if the puppy wasn't clean he couldn't sleep with him, because that could make him sicker, so he was lucky there was time. I didn't have the heart to ask what was wrong with him.

He said he was excited that Nicky had a report card that proved he was a good boy, so when it was time to find some one to cut his hair he had references. (yes he really said references) He also said that he was going to save the bandana I put on him for ever and ever because it was Nicky's first gift and it was from Miss Carrie.

I did a puppy bath today thinking I would hand over a clean puppy and that would be the end of it.  I have a cool job and I know I'm lucky to have it. I knew puppy time would help calm ME, but who knew it would help any one beyond me and the people not wanting to ride with a stinky puppy.

It's amazing what happens when you go with the flow with no expectations of return....

Of course I've had another good cry...  yes this was a good one!

Who was God watching out for today? Me? Sir Nicholas? The wonderful ladies that took the puppy to a sweet little boy? The little boy with a new friend? Or some how in God's wonder, all of us at once??

Unto the lest of these....could be any one of us.!!

I'm off to sleep now with my doggie Teddy with thoughts of Sir Nicholas and his little boy having good cuddles.

Thanks be to God for simple simple things.

This is not Nicky, but this is what he looks like!!


Steph Martin said...

I think this proves my belief that you don't need to go to a church building to 'go to Church', be spiritual and 'be with God.' I'm not knocking the Church building experience, but I think too many people use that as their crutch. They go through the motions every Sunday by appearing in the building. Are they there to connect with God? Are they there to simply socialize? Are they there to 'look good'? Any of those things is fine by me- you know I often go for the fellowship and do my own thing on my own.

I think God put Nicky in your life for a reason. I think that situation helped all involved.

It's amazing what positive benefits animals offer humans. You know we lost a dear friend to cancer on Sunday. While she still a wee bit lucid Sunday morning, her dog, Molly, was brought to her private hospital room. She was on the oncology floor where there are obviously lots of controls but her family was given approval since her time was limited. From what I was told, our friend lit up when she saw Molly. Molly jumped up on the bed and licked our friend. Our friend mustered out the words "Sit, Molly" and Molly sat. Molly left and our friend took a severe turn for the worse. We got there about an hour later and we knew her time was limited. A few hours later, she was gone. The last words she spoke were to Molly. (She was able to squeeze peoples hands a bit throughout the day but no words.) Our friend 'went to church' by having Molly in her presence. She was a very religious person and our priest was there but I think being with Molly was the turning point for her.

Sorry, I digressed. My point is that a building doesn't make us spiritual. Sure, it can help and be the medium for us but it's not the end all, be all.

Sorry you're going through a rough patch. it's evident that your surrounded by an awesome support system and you can't beat that or ask for more. Love ya.

JC Farris said...

Carrie Lynn, you always give yourself a hard time, believing you have a "stupid brain". I am of the firm belief that God allowed your brain to be different to give her time to spend creating the perfect heart. You love like no other. You hear the whispers of God. Only you could hear this dog tell you his name. You touched a little boy in a way others did not, and maybe, could not, because that is what you do...who you are. I am blessed every day to be a part of your life. If the worst you are is a person who makes mistakes sometimes, but loves dearly, than you are as close to heaven as people can get.

Anonymous said...

That goes to show you their is a god above, he made a special sick little boy have the best gift that anyone could ever ask for! He seen the little ole ladies you the puppy and the sick little boy and decided to connect all of you together toake this special little boy a very very happy little boy! When the ladies ce in and needed to get this poor little dirty puppy a bath , god spoke to you , and said Carrie you know what you have to do, not only for you the puppy, the ladies , but for this special little angel that needs you! So you took it upon yourself to do this for that special little angel! You are an amaIng person and are beautiful inside and out and would do anything for anybody!

Shellie said...

People touch our lives, if only for a moment. I think God sends us little messages and lessons through situations like these. Sure we are just dog groomers, but we handle and take care of creatures that mean so much to others. When we bathe a dog for someone, we often bathe our souls and minds.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

I love all of you ladies that have commented this morning. With out you I wouldn't have made it through yesterday.
Shellie you take such a passion in our work we could never be a "just" anything. Also you were the other nice lady that stopped being busy and helped. Thank you!
anonymous bout time you commented!! I know you read on here!! I want to here your opinion more! I love and value it
J thanks for helping me feel less stupid and feel loved.
Steph thanks for taking time out every day.

Anonymous said...

And THIS, my dear, is why so many people adore you! I don't know what this had to do with church, (sorry Steph), but to me it shows what an amazing heart you have and how God works in wondrous ways. Just proof to me that God has the heart of a woman. What guy would think to pull that whole thing off?? LOL!