Sunday, November 6, 2011


Some times I wonder if we have allowed religion, especially Christianity to become to cliche'. I think we say things we think or assume have meaning , either to ourselves, or the people we say them too. But really they have lost their meaning, even for those of us that say them. Kind of like when some one sneezes and we say "bless you."

Cliches are interesting because they begin some where...... usually somewhere with good intentions. But  how often do we think about our chosen cliche or catch phrase? Do we even think what it means to ourselves, much less, what it means to those who hear it. Especially those who may be....hmmmm.....lets say less than fond of TODAY'S christian church.

As you know I have autism or aspergers, depending on who you ask. I decided I like the word autism better and more people know it so why not go with it. Anyway.... Sometimes our (people on the autism spectrum) communication/oral filters are a little broken or askew. Obviously I can't blame that on what I write on here because most of the time I have time to think it through and engage my filter.

But tonight since I'm having trouble writing about my chosen parable of the day AND I've seen a lot of Sunday BS cliche' crap all over facebook,  I thought I would give you some of the joy of my filter less thoughts.

For example.      "Praise God! I've found Jesus!"
Filterless Carrie:  WTF? Is he wondering around lost in the wilderness again? I thought he was sitting at the
                          right hand of God just like he's been for the last 2000 years....duh!!       

Example #2:       "Jesus Saves!"
Filterless Carrie:  Jesus saves???? He's clipping coupons again.
FYI: this one I said while driving in the car with a pastor friend of mine a few years back. It was out before I could stop myself. Thank goodness she is liberal, loves me, and has a wicked sense of humor.

Example #3:       "Got Jesus?"
Filterless Carrie:  Ah.......yeah. I thought Jesus belonged to us all. If you have to ask, you must not know him                             very well.

Example #4:       "I'm a born again Christian"
Filterless Carrie:  Too bad, so sad...i didn't think God made mistakes....but if you had to be born again,           maybe????

Example #5:       "In the event of the Rapture, this vehicle will be unmanned"
Filterless Carrie:  Awesome!!! Your car is much cooler than mine. Can you leave the keys in the ignition for me?

Example #6:       "Not Perfect, just Forgiven"
Filterless Carrie:  Oh, so that's why you stopped trying.

Obviously I don't mean any of these seriously, or at least, THAT seriously. However, in the joking and silliness, I do have a serious point. When we are trying to show others we are spiritual or Christ like we should be careful, and not cliche or egotistical,  in the claims we make in the name of Jesus, God, or any higher power.

I hope I not only gave you guys a few laughs tonight, but a seed for thought in how you represent yourself and your beliefs.

PS Often if my filter is not engaged, words like this really do come out of my mouth....a couple times even in the pulpit. I think it makes me cute and endearing. What do you think?

Anyone else have any cliche's or catch phrases they want to post in comments for discussion??


Steph Martin said...

How do I represent my faith? Um, I'm not sure that I do. I'm not sure that I can,really. I'm questioning so much that I don't understand my faith. Yes, I believe in God. Yes, I believe I'm going to heaven. I guess I represent my faith by explaining that I'm searching for info and learning. I'm curious. I would never say that "I'm a student of Christ" as that just annoys me.

I like the examples you gave. Most of those things annoy me, as well. You mention saying "God bless you" when you sneeze. You say this most times, but don't know why. I guess I'm a creature of habit. Is something bad happening when you sneeze that would make God dislike you? I sneeze a lot- am I going to hell? lol

I don't think you have to go around and flaunt your love of and for God. Lots of people do. Of course, they can do what they want but why? I'm not saying to hide the fact that you love God and all of that. I don't know. I guess I'm being hypocritical again. I guess I flaunt the fact that I'm gay by posting gay related items and speaking out so strongly in support of gay marriage. BUT, religious folks have rights. In the US, they're not fighting for freedom and rights and I am. HHmmm.

Once again, you've made me think.

Shelley B. Kesselman said...

These are great, Carrie! And you make an excellent point about how the meaning in our religious cliches gets lost so much of the time. There is something there, but we don't think about that often enough.

And as for the slogans vs. behavior discussion, let me offer the following. I had a big, gas guzzling SUV with a pro-life sticker, a God Bless America flag and a whole school of Jesus fish on the back cut me off on the road with a long honk and a dirty look.


Whatever happened to that gem of wisdom from the '60's folk hymn "And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, yes they'll know we are Christians by our love."?

We'd do well to remember that one. I think that the institutional church and individuals who claim the identity of "Christian" could do much to restore the credibility of the church and organized religion in general if we did! And we would also do well to remember that Christianity doesn't have a monopoly on love - but I digress.

There is a time and a place for filters - but there is also a time and place for letting loose the prophetic voice and telling it like it is! After all, Jesus did.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

I love that song Shelley!!! I was one of the fist songs that I taught Jamie. We sang it at church camps all growing up. It also reminds me of this joke about this aggressive mean lady driving ......I'll have to find it and post it :)
I'm so glad you guys are reading these. It means so much to me.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

comment from my friend Jodi Clugston posted on Facebook..."I don't have much of a filter on what I say. I enjoyed reading what you wrote"
thanks Jodi I enjoy ur filterlessness also!!

Shellie said...

I think so many people feel like they have to profess their religion, faith, whatever they call it via bumper stickers, t shirts etc. To me it's a little silly. The "God bless you" after someone sneezes is actually derived from a time and place where the black plague was rampant and a sneeze being the first symptom of the disease in which there was no cure. Basically if you sneezed I would say God bless you because I knew your time was close and that you were about to very sick and probably die.

Christians should be spreading the word of God I think, not on bumper stickers but by their actions toward others and eventually being able to talk to that person to tell what God has done in his or her life. Christians do not get to Heaven by their works but their works (kindness, generosity goodwill) will show God's love in their heart and by that others around that person may be curious and thus opens a dialog about God.

As far as fighting for religious freedom and rights, I think Christians actually do have to fight for it. Prayers in school has been taken away in just the 40 years I have been on this earth. But in this country with religious "freedom" that means you and anyone else is allowed to pray to whom or whatever, be it God, Buddah, or the big oak tree down the road. I guess I would rather have no prayer in school vs having to pray to others' gods.

Ok I think I have gotten WAAAAAY off your original topic....what was it about again, lol!

Tonia said...

Okay, I do have to say that I read your examples to my husband and I did laugh quit hard. At the same time, they reminded me of my son. He was asked one day by his cousin how her picture of a butterfly looked, he responded with, 'It looks like a carrot with wings" I tried everything I could not to burst out laughing. I see alot of his thought processing and ideas as I am reading your blogs.