Thursday, November 3, 2011

TaDa..Here I am...Autistic Mystic

So just what is this blog and space going to be?
My Goal is for it to be me sharing as I learn and grow.  With help and input from YOU!!
Some thoughts may be undeveloped or partially formed. Some may just be a glimmer of an idea. If so, I hope that you my friends and loved ones will jump in and help me further develop them.
I'm sure sometimes, some of you or many of you, will partially if not totally disagree with me.... if so..share with me and others how and why you disagree....who knows, maybe we can add 1+1 and come up with a whole new answer.
Also at times I'm sure my thoughts will make some of you angry and/or hurt ..if that happens take time to think about why it makes you angry  why would my beliefs hurt or threaten yours. IS it possible that the different beliefs can coexist?  If not why??
I want us all to think share and grow together.

Very simple definitions just as a starting point:

noun /ˈmistik/ 
mystics, plural
A person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect

Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills.

My thought process for me my self and I....
What if my autism is not a bad or negative thing? What if my abnormal social skills and communication skills and brain function are not negative  but allow me to be more open to........ God's being, people feelings rather then their words, animals feelings and behavior..and so much more??

What if my autism truly allows me to experience God as a being and a presence rather then a bunch of words in a book  or a bunch of rules in a building?

What if..........


Steph Martin said...

I love it! You know I will support you.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Thanks Steph!!!!!

Shelley B. Kesselman said...

Brava! I love the idea of 1+1 equaling something we never even considered. And the idea of autism as an alternative way of relating to the world makes a great deal of sense to me. I don't know whether you are "more open" to various dimensions of the human experience or not, but I do think that your unique cognitive gifts empower you to catch things that the rest of us miss. Thank you for creating this space in which you can share them with us! May God bless this venture, and all whose lives will be touched by it.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Please be sure to check over at Facebook where CHris Rose gave us some great thoughts

JC Farris said... you are....a wonderful angel in disguise. I have seen your simple child like faith combined with the intellect of a genius and it is a beautiful thing indeed! Can't wait to read more!

Chris Brooks said...

I think we are all unique and all see things slightly different. You are autistic for a purpose that only God knows. Does it make you more receptive to different things? Probably, but I am more receptive to something different because I am unique. And, the next person is more receptive to something else because they are unique as well. I think it is also our personalities that make each of us see things different and understand more about certain things. Just my humble opinion.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

I agree chrisans that very unuqiness is one of Gods greatest gifts

Lenora Wolff said...

We discuss this a lot on the job together that autism doesn't hender you it just makes you learn in a different manner than others. I feel from watching you with the pets, talking with you, just being around you that you are a more highly senditive person when it comes to picking up on the needs and emotions of others, including the pets. You my dear friend are a very special and unique person and thats why I love you because you are just Carrie. You are never anything but you and more people could learn from that.