Tuesday, November 15, 2011

To feed or not to feed..Tax return or no...or HEY!!! Let them eat cake!!

Sorry I missed everyone last night. I try to write every night, but my mind some times just gets to full and circles and circles round and round.

I had an experience the other night that I've been wanting to write about, but I just couldn't seem to find a " resolution ending" or a good moral. So again I'm asking for your input. (and to help this particular spin spin spin come to rest in my head)

As in most moral situations I don't think there is a right or wrong or even better answer. Maybe there is no "answer" just suggestions.

I was in the grocery store the other night , and you know how at holiday times they sale those boxes of canned and dried goods that feed a family a meal? The lady like four people in front of me asked to purchase three of them.

I'm thinking cool, good for her. She's buying food for her family, and for next to nothing, helping others. I use to work for an AIDS service group and I know how much those boxes can help.

She paid and looked at her receipt, and yelled at the clerk it was all wrong. The clerk looked confused , the customer told her that she wanted an itemized receipt.

The clerk still confused held the receipt thrown at her and asked what she missed. Again the customer snapped..... " I said itemized, don't you know what that means?". "I don't see my dinner donations , just 5 dollars her three times."

The clerk explained that the 5 dollars was like a combo price. It covered the whole box. And also exclaimed how awesome that for just a 5 dollar donation you can feed a family, actually see the box of food, and write it all off!

The customer grumbled and said she didn't give a "fuck" about seeing the box or how big the meal was , she just eanted her full tax write off. By this time some of the line is drifting to other lines and some of us are pulled into the train wreck that is appearing before us.

Poor clerk explains that there are three of the five dollar donations on there and they are clearly marked as tax deductible.  She pleasantly explains that " see its simple...its all right there, holiday giving made easy!"

Customer at this point is yelling, so a manager finally comes over and ask what is the problem. Customer explains that if she is buying twenty some items in that box she wants to see the itemized list and get credit for the true cost, not the fake five dollar cost.

At this point we are all standing there a little dumb founded. The customer says if she can't get credit for everything in that box she wants her fifteen dollars back.  The manager says she would take care of that for her, it would just take a minute because donation transactions are rung a bit different.

OK so this is where I need advice.....I don't know if it was my noisiness, my autistic filter not in gear, or just maybe I was trying to be nice and assume the lady was nice but confused. So I said hi introduced my self and said if she was worried she wasn't getting her  money's worth, I knew a few local charities that she could just donate straight too.

Of course she jumped my @ss. Told me to mined my own (*^^$(*&)&%@ business and a few other words. I stepped back and shut up. She got her money back and stormed out of the store.

As the manager walked away she pulled the three boxes out of the cart at the end of the isle full of the boxes getting ready to be sent out, and sit them back on the stack. I'll be honest, it made a lump in my thought, my chest hurt and there were tears in my eyes to think of three less families getting food. I also thought what can I do? I can barely feed me and mine.

So I opened my mouth...a little but not effectively, and I didn't put my money where my mouth was. (granted there wasn't much money, I only had three more then I was spending but I could have put something back and  have found enough for one of those boxes and just maybe the people behind me would have done the same)

Our plans are after pay day Friday to go pay for at lest one of the three the lady didn't purchase. But I feel its to   little to late.

So my question to you...have you seen this sort of scene? If so what did you do? If not what do you think you would do?

Like I said  no right wrong or better answer. Sometimes I think I should have said more...sometimes I think I should have said nothing. What if I had been just a little braver and instead of speaking to the grumpy customer tturned to my fellow line mates and said some thing like "I have three of that fifteen dollars anybody else want to help?" Of course I didn't think of it then or have the courage.

I like to lead by example not just words. And this time I didn't even lead by words. They just seemed to have made her angrier. 

This is spinning and spinning in my mind to a distraction...

Please no WWJD answer, I want to hear what YOU would do. Even add what you HOPE you would be able to do.

Not a bad deal for 5 to10 dollars huh??

Thanks, as always I look forward to hearing your replies.

I'm very blessed with all the replies I'm getting and very excited by how much it makes each of us share and THINK!  IF you think you GROW and whose spirit and heart doesn't need to grow?

For those of you that are interested, when you reply, if you haven't noticed there is a follow comments my e-mail button...and you will get notices about comments on this particular thread so you can see people replies to you.  Also towards the top near my picture is a follow my e-mail for the whole blog. That way if I post it up in the middle of the night, it is patiently sitting in your inbox in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Well I am a quiet person who does not like to make anyone upset.....first of all I can not understand how someone could be so hung up on the tax part instead of helping a family. I might have went a smartbutt way and just told the cashier "No worries I will gladly buy one of those boxes" in front of the lady. Honestly, it sounds to me like this lady would not be fazed by anyone or anything. She needs a prayer. I don't have an account so I will end up being anonymous but your FB friend Misty

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Misty... I actually like you "smart butt" way! Thanks for reading and commenting . :)

JC Farris said...

I have to admit my temper would have gotten the best of me especially if I had been standing there when she cursed at you. My first thought that I'm sure I would have blurted out was "what kind of selfish bit@& worries more about tax deduction than feeding the hungry?" I doubt it would have been a wwjd moment but it's the honest truth. It makes me think of the saying that talks about the only requirement for evil to occur is for good people to step back And do nothing. That's what all the other people did that were in line with you. They were probably in the same situation we are where they are having trouble feeding their own families. I sometimes wonder why it's the asses who have the money and not the good people but I'm sure that's not reality, just the way it feels. I find myself frustrated and ashamed that I can't do more to help the poor, then I decide that I just haven't thought hard enough. There HAS to be something....maybe $5, maybe a talent, maybe a hug, something to make even a small difference. Let's turn that lady's moment of selfish bitchiness into inspiration.

Steph Martin said...

You know I have a bad temper and that I'm working very hard on it. If I was in your shoes or with you, I'd probably walk away. I wouldn't say anything to her. I'd be passive aggressive and make a smart comment to the cashier. As much as I hate confrontation, I can't seem to stay away from it. Except for this past month or so. It's not worth getting into an argument over her ignorance.

I agree with Jamie- it's often (but not always) the better off who pull crap like this. I think that you "get it" if you've been in that persons shoes.

Our church has a food pantry and we donate to it sometimes but we're close to having to visit it ourselves at times.

As long as your heart is there (which it is) you don't have to fight for everything you believe it. If you did that, you'd spend all of your time fighting.

Sorry it upset you.

Sidenote: If I heard her curse at your, I might lose it, hence why I'd need to walk away. Not that I'm a coward and don't want to defend my friend, but because I can't get charged with some form of assault.

Steph Martin said...

You know I have a bad temper and that I'm working very hard on it. If I was in your shoes or with you, I'd probably walk away. I wouldn't say anything to her. I'd be passive aggressive and make a smart comment to the cashier. As much as I hate confrontation, I can't seem to stay away from it. Except for this past month or so. It's not worth getting into an argument over her ignorance.

I agree with Jamie- it's often (but not always) the better off who pull crap like this. I think that you "get it" if you've been in that persons shoes.

Our church has a food pantry and we donate to it sometimes but we're close to having to visit it ourselves at times.

As long as your heart is there (which it is) you don't have to fight for everything you believe it. If you did that, you'd spend all of your time fighting.

Sorry it upset you.

Sidenote: If I heard her curse at your, I might lose it, hence why I'd need to walk away. Not that I'm a coward and don't want to defend my friend, but because I can't get charged with some form of assault.

Shellie said...

There are some people who lives such a miserable existence (such as that grumpy shopper) that you just can't help. She had already made up in her mind that it was to be a certain way and nothing you could do or say would have pacified her. People such as herself always create bad situations wherever they go either deliberately or accidentally. She probably has no friends or family (if she does then chances are she has ran them out of her life by being such a hateful person) and one could certainly assume she doesn't have God in her life. Not saying that God doesn't love her but if she had God in her life her priorities would not be worrying about a tax break. She sounds like she was trying to cheat on her taxes by only having to donate $15 but be able to write off what the products are worth.

Those food boxes will get purchased and feed families. I don' believe anyone but her lost in this situation. Everyone saw her make a fool of herself. At the end of the day she is the one who has to answer for her actions. I have witnessed similar situations and it is fruitless to get involved. That woman's only hope is for someone to pray that she find peace in her life.

Anonymous said...

This is Karen.

I'd be afraid I'd say something to the woman and end up in jail. I probably wouldn't say it directly to the lady, but I'd make snide comments to people around.
"Can this really be happening?" If this happened around here, I'd probably get my teeth kicked in. I'd scrape the money together to give to the cashier. People need to wake up and see what life is about.