Sunday, November 13, 2011

Good Wolf. Bad Wolf

Negative. Positive.
Praise. Condemn.
Discourage. Encourage.
Persevere. Surrender.
Horde. Share.
Hate. Love.
Create. Demolish.
Heal. Destroy.

I read a lot of fantasy novels. One I read recently told of a young were wolf asking an older were wolf how to be a good "person". He was told a story that every one has a good AND a bad wolf in them/us. The young were asked how could he choose which one was more powerful in himself. The older were said "you choose which one you feed".

This story is told over and over in most every culture. The yin yang of good and evil. How we grow and cultivate the good in ourselves and destroy the bad.

I guess it's very much a practice makes perfect and practice what you preach.

I feel for a Christian it's the difference between SAYING you are a Christian and actually acting Christ like. Just saying it doesn't feed the good wolf. Just going to church doesn't feed the good wolf.

Positive actions feed the good wolf and help starve the bad. Actually following Christ teachings and not just memorizing words from the bible will feed the good wolf.

Hypocrisy will give the bad wolf a feast. Claiming one thing and living another ... again feeding that bad wolf.

How do you feed YOUR good wolf?


Steph Martin said...

How do I feed my good wolf? That's a good question, especially lately. I'm always doing thing for others. Always. It's just what I do. I tend to put others before me. This is tough, because I've been working to change this to make sure I don't forget about myself and don't allow myself to get hurt.

When I go to church, I tend to help with something. I may sign up to host coffee hour and bake for it. Sounds trivial but the socialization is very important. Many good ideas have been shared during coffee hour. We donate all of our excess to charities. We have one to two pick up items from our homes every month. In fact, we have a group coming Friday and we have a lot to give them. We are giving to the less fortunate.

You know I'm not one to memorize the Bible just so I can spout it out. Thanks in part to you, I'm about to actually learn the Bible. I think that goes towards my "good Wolf."

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Is it important to explore our motives in our "good deeds" for others? Sometimes we, or maybe I should say I, do things for others because we want thanks and a positive reaction. For me this may feed me self esteem and ego, while leaving my good wolf hungry.

Steph Martin said...

I agree with that and I struggle with it. Deep down I'm genuinely a kind and giving person. It feels good to do for others. But, it feels crappy to not be thanked at all.

Shellie said...

I think MOST humans are bad wolves...let me back up...I think all humans are bad wolves. We are all born from sin into sin. If we are talking religion then we all know the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. Humans are weak and of the flesh. We are worldly because that is what we know. It is difficult to imagine anything but the world we live in. We re selfish, self centered and predisposed to sinful ways.

If you (again on the religious viewpoint) are saved by God's grace and have accepted Jesus, you try to be Christ like because the Bible tells us of the rewards in Heaven (as if Heaven isn't enough of a reward). Being kind to another, helping out a friend, a smile to a stranger, a kind word are all examples of "feeding the good wolf". Am I being kind because I want to or again is it a selfishness motive that causes me to be kind? Am I nice to my co workers because I am a kind person or because it's a selfish reason to earn a reward in Heaven? Hmmmmm, not sure. Some times I would love to just feed the bad wolf, let the bad wolf run free...Do what you want! Make yourself happy! Hahaha....but because there is a genuine love of my friends and family, I want to please THEM....make THEM happy. Approval of peers is and always has been a driving force for people. WE want everyone to like us. We want to feel the praise of others. Being in the spot light for a good deed done for any reason always gives oneself a confidence boost, an ego stroking.

Is it a bit hypocritical? I think most everyone are hypocrites to some degree....again we are human. Weak, worldly, of the flesh....we are going to sin no matter what. It is who we are and what we are. We are evil and wicked. God have mercy on us all......

Anonymous said...

Motives are something I think about a great deal. For instance, what motivates an individual to say a certain thing or behave in a particular way. Too often I think that "Christians" wear their religion on their sleeves because they want to be perceived as good Christians without going to the trouble of behaving like a Christian. So many people who espouse Christian values fail to let their beliefs inform their actions. They want everyone to think of them as pious without modeling behavior that would reflect their piety. Ultimately you show others not with your words, but with your deeds. Paul Hoffman

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Paul. Sometimes I almost feel (and sadly I'm judging) that many Christians wear the "title" Christian so they don't have to live a "Christ" like life. I try hope and pray people can tell it by how I live. Yes I write a blOg about spirituality but I don't feel the need to scream it to every one I meet. Or to say my brand of faith is better