Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Would you speak if they came for me?

First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,

and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

(Martin Niemoller)

Who and what do you find important enough to speak up for? 

Are you strong enough to speak up if what you have to say is unpopular?

What if it will make people look at you funny? 

When is "bad", "bad enough"? What will it take for you to use your voice? A few simple examples from life: Would you speak up if you saw a big kid kicking over a little kid's sandcastle? Would you speak up if you saw a big kid kicking sad in a little kid's eyes? Would you speak up if you saw the big kid kicking the little kid? How about if that big kid wasn't so much a kid as a grown up? How bad does it have to get for us to speak up? 

If someone has spoken up for you, are you more likely to speak up for them? If you've spoken up for a friend or co-worker, do you think they are more likely to speak up for you? Does this make sense or seem fair? It becomes a circle of not speaking up. Who speaks up first? Can you be brave enough to speak first? 

If it ever came down to a whole bunch of "them" and you were the last "us", how lonely would that be? 

There always comes a time we have to speak up for each other. I honestly feel the more we all speak up for each other, that will create a lot less "we" and "them" and a whole lot more "us". 

In the beginning, God created..........US. 


Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...


"‎"Letter from the Birmingham Jail" by MLK. It is my favorite and you blog made me think of it."

Steph Martin said...

This is tough for me. I tend to over speak and speak before I think. I'm very vocal about my feelings and thoughts. It has gotten me in A LOT of trouble. I'm almost censoring myself. I take a step back, compose some thoughts and then speak when I feel that I will do more good than harm. (Why can't I do that here with these comments?)

There are times when it is none of your business but if someone is being hurt in some form you should speak up...somehow. If I see a man beating up someone, I honestly probably won't say anything for fear of being harmed myself. Does this make me a coward? I struggle with this.

But, if we allow ourselves to sit on the sidelines and only view things what does that make us? Are we hypocrites if we don't say or do something then and only talk about it later?

What if I volunteer my time and energy at a shelter? What if I didn't speak up to the man hitting the woman, but instead somehow slipped the woman info on a shelter or a safe phone line? Does that count as "speaking up"?

I think people sometimes interfere when they shouldn't. Example: my childhood best friend (Steph) was just yelled at by a stranger for the way she's raising her son. Her son is normally a very well behaved four year old boy. Today, he was grumpy and wasn't listening to her. He started to throw a temper tantrum. This stranger saw the tantrum, not knowing anything about it, and he went off of on my friend. There were in a parking lot and honestly were not harming anyone. In my opinion, the stranger had no right to comment on how she is raising her child. She wasn't hitting him or yelling at him. He wasn't causing a commotion in a confined space.

Just my off-the-cuff thoughts.

Shellie said...

Carrie, ok Jack is with me on this one (ask me at work :)...

I think it is an art form when to speak and when to shut up. Sometimes people make the situation worse by opening their mouths. I tend to voice my opinion a bit strong when it is asked of me but otherwise I may just sit by and not say anything unless I think the situation is unfair.

I know many people who NEVER use their filter and it just makes them look foolish. I think that we have to pick and choose when we speak up. I almost always have an opinion on everything. But sometimes it's not worth chewing through the restraints. I would speak up for you if I thought you were in the right. I probably wouldn't if it might teach you a lesson and I knew it would benefit you. I am a loyal friend to those who deserve it.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Shell. I love how much u think these things through. People often feel t must be yes or no and you take time to give a mode ground. I hope our friendship continues to grow so I deserve that loyalty,

Karen said...

I always speak up. Of course my mouth regularly gets me into trouble, but I am working on tact and skillful passive aggressive protesting in order to properly avoid slander and libel... ;)