Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ring-a-ding.........Hi! Is (fill in the blank) there? Its me....GOD. Want a job? :)

How do you know if you are called by God?

Its pretty simple. We all are. Its just a matter of what we are called to do and are we willing to do it?

Writing this particular blog has been in my head for the last couple of days. I almost didn't write it last night and was even going to skip over it for a week or two because of a "discussion" among several friends on facebook about how to listen to God. That if we just listen just right we will find in the scripture what  God wants us to do. To me it seemed like what they were talking about was not even listening, it was just picking the right scripture to match their choice, scriptures that said hey its OK to do what they wanted to do any way. I didn't wight last night cause I lost focus of where to go with this. Then this morning I decided to go for it because, as normal for me, my view, take, and angle is slightly different then lots of others.

I'm not so much talking about what God wants you to do at any given particular moment. I'm not talking about the "WWJD" moments on bracelets every where. I'm talking about the fact that you already are a good person. You know how to be a good person, and you want that to be in your life. You want to live the life that God would be proud of, and that you don't have to be a bible thumper or wear a special t-shirt for people to know. 

I'm talking about the BIG "what do you do with your life from day to day" type of being called by God.

I hate when people say "I'm just a....burger flipper/car mechanic/dog groomer/......I just....I just.....I just!"
For starters, anything you do, to the best of your ability and with passion shows the glory of God. In fact, that's a lot of what most monks and nuns do. (notice I said MONKS and nuns, not priests). I apologize that I don't recall which particular branches, but I wanted to get this written. I'll do some more research soon and let you know. That IS what they are about. Glorifying God through a job well done.

Sometimes God's calling is our passion.....Thats why we're so good at it!

Maybe you are a landscaper because your job is to make that hill on the side of the road so beautiful, at least one person a day passes it and thinks wow.....God makes beautiful grass. How about when some one out there shovels city walks and an older couple walk arm in arm down the side walk and and the end the husband is so thankful that you didn't miss a spot, that he says a little prayer to God in thanks because his wife didn't fall and he just doesn't know what he would do if she got hurt.

Ok so maybe you clean out kitty kennels every day. Stinky nasty smelly kitty kennels. But one day a young family with a little girl, who needs a special friend so bad, comes to visit the kennels. Mom says over and over "I refuse to have a smelly kitty in my house!" Because you....yes YOU, worked so hard every day on cleaning those kennels, mom didn't smell a single scent of dirty cat, the little girl was able to cheerfully pick out her new friend.

The next time you are busy cleaning hotel rooms, scooping ice cream, busing tables, picking up garbage on the side of the road, try to keep God in your heart and remember, how what you are doing, might make another one of God's children's day just a little brighter.

There are so many ways in our day to day life and in our work life we can glorify God. The secret? We don't always get thanked in ways we hear. Often the thanks goes to God. Honestly? How cool is that????



JC Farris said...

Carrie, it is so much easier to work when you think of it this way. Doing things to glorify God and lift up each other. If we all did that, this world would be a much better place.

Anonymous said...

Its so easy to get caught up in how tired we are and how much we must do on any given week. Sometimes we feel we work just to pay the bills which always seem to be there and never get smaller. Its easy to forget we have a far greater purpose. Thank you for reminding us!

Shellie said...

WOW, When I read the first few sentences of your blog, Carrie, I almost had my mind made up-NOOOOO not everyone IS called by God, then I read some more. I understand what your talking about. God wants us to do our best in whatever it is we do because, even though we may not be in the pulpit, we by our actions and deeds glorify God. It may be indirectly but we do!