Saturday, November 19, 2011

Feast (celebration) days or Every days a party!

I'm not asking this in away that assumes I know more then any one of you. I'm not asking for a right or wrong answer or for some one to tell me to go google or wiki. (google and I are close I tolerate wiki)

So here goes..... How many of you are aware Christmas doesn't happen on "Christmas" or December 25th every where in the world? Not even all over the United States. Some places it's not even called Christmas.

There are feast days to celebrate Jesus's birth. There are feast days to celebrate Mary knowing it was Jesus she was going to give birth to. A feast day to celebrate the conception of Mary and even a feast day to celebrate the coming of the Three wise men. One not many celebrate here in the states but is pretty important other places is the feast of (saint) Nicholas !

Yes believe it or not Santa formally know as Saint Nicholas, while his name may be used to sell lots of Coke and toys....was a real live saint. Nicholas lived his life giving. A life of charity focused on those, especially children, in need.

So I ask , before we get into debates of other holidays and I'm sure we will, how do these take Christ out of Christmas ? Shouldn't we strive to be more like Santa ? Giving our gifts in the quite darkness not waiting for thanks .

How many of you know celebrations in December I didn't mention? If your family has personal ones please share and describe. We would love to hear.

Yes at this point I stuck to Christian, I have plans to speak of other holidays soon but hey, had to start somewhere.

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