Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Its Every Where, Amen....Bow wow

Greetings and Bow Wow!

Some days its easy for your heart, mind, and soul to accept on faith that God exists and God loves you. Other days, you're not even sure if up is up or down is down, what your name is, who your friends are, and if there is anyone you can count on. Those days, are the day we need faith the most, and those days are when God is truly with us the most. Pretty words and pretty easily said, huh?

What do we do when we need earthly proof? If you are a nature lover, maybe you go out and look at the trees, but what if you are stuck in the middle of a traffic jam? Maybe your spouse and children are your earthly proof, but what happens if you've had a REALLY crappy day? You come home from work, you yell at them, you slam the bed room door and hide from them and being only human, their feelings are going to be hurt and they will react negatively.

Well, God has a perfect solution for this. Those of us who are dog lovers already know this. THE DOG!!!!

Today, it was time to increase my new seizure medicine to a higher dose. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I slept I slept I slept and then I slept a little more. (Just a weekly upgrade until I reach the prescribed dosage). I feel like I let Jamie down because I didn't help clean house. I didn't get to go see Momma Farris at work like I had wanted to. I didn't make new bows for the doggies at work. I hardly returned a single text message from my friends. I didn't touch email. My book laid unread. As for my writing and blog for school, you are seeing the extent of it here. And worst of all, Teddy, my faithful canine friend, didn't get to go on his promised walk. 

I feel like many apologies, are required at the end of this day (Most have been given). Thank goodness, most of these things are easily fixed. A couple of text messages here. An email or two there. A phone call to Momma Farris. And fried chicken and homemade cookies to make up to Jamie for carrying my weight around the house today.

But what about Teddy?? By the time I was up and about, it was too late and I was still too tired and sleepy for that walk. What do I do about that promise?? Thankfully, because his love is as unconditional as earthly love gets, pretty much all I had to do was to allow him to curl up and sleep with me while waiting for the meds to wear off.

Much like God, Teddy takes me at my strongest or my weakest. During my weakest, they are at their strongest.

I look up and I see God
I look down and see my dog
Simple spelling G.O.D
Same words backwards D.O.G

They would stay with me all day
I'm the one who walks away
But both of them just wait for me
and dance at my return with glee

Both love me no matter what
Divine God and canine mutt
I take it hard each time i fail
Bud God forgives, Dog wags his tail

God thought up and made the dog
Dog reflects a part of God
Ive seen love from both sides now
Its everywhere, amen bow wow

I look up and I see Good
I look down and see my dog
And in mu human frailty
I cant match their love for me


JC Farris said...

I have to say my very favorite so far! There is a good reason dog is god backwards! So why is cat...TAC? Is that fair????

Shellie said...

God created animals for us to look after. He made them our charges. I love this blog Carrie! i do have to say, and you have heard me say it at work I am a Christian, and when the Lord comes back, I will be heading HOME. I don't go to church on a regular basis because of hypocrisy (even though there are many good non hypocrites who attend church as well) but me and Joe can appreciate God and Jesus out on the lake in our boat by simply looking around at all of the wonderful creations-the trees, sunshine, animals, etc. There's no way you can look at this wonderful ball of dirt and water and not see God! Good blog-love it!

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Shellie. I totally agree. When people say they don't think there is a God. I'm totally amazed. How can one look at a loved one or the sky or like u say this ball of earth and not see it? I love talking and sharing with you so I'm thankful u at joining in for others to see ur beautiful faith. Thank you!

Steph Martin said...

I think this shows that a person can find God wherever than can or need to. Dogs (most animals) give us great comfort. I believe that God gives us unconditional love and so do animals. While I am unable to have one now, I LOVE dogs. I miss having a dog. My Karen's parents have two labs, but they aren't my dogs. They aren't really treated as pets, either. It's a weird situation. They are lazy house dogs who don't get that much attention. They are fed well, taken to I the vet and all of that stuff but they don't have the relationship with dogs that I've always had.

I digress. God is everywhere. God just happens to show himself to you through his animals- specifically through Teddy. I think that's great! I find God through my photography, mostly through nature. I also find him in my cooking. People may think I'm crazy for saying and believing that, but it's true for me.

Who are we to judge where you find God? Who are we to judge how we find God? If God shows himself to use through ingredients turning into a scrumptious meal that nourishes us and brings our family and friends together, who are we to judge??