Saturday, November 19, 2011

I've Got This! and so do you :)

"In the heart of the world there is a place that holds the secret names of the rocks & the trees & all the children of the earth & around it gather women & men who hold it dear & each night they stand together to keep it safe for as long as it takes till morning comes & no matter what you have been told, this will always be so, in the heart of the world." 

~Story People
I wake up each morning truly knowing in my heart God has given us people and/or angels to hold it together for us each night. I can go to sleep knowing "they've got this". 

Sometimes, its my turn to say "hey, I've got this". It may be something as small and simple as my blog. It may be something I do without realizing it, like giving someone a genuine smile. 

Many of my friends help hold the world together by taking care of Her four legged creatures. They rescue, feed, and love God littlest beings. 

Other friends bring peace out of chaos for some like me just by helping me and others focus. This may seem very small, but it is an amazing talent to help someone stressed, recenter. 

The greatest gift God has ever given us is earth/creation/the world/life/each other. How do we help take care of this gift? How do we show gratitude? 

Its so easy during this time of year to make gratitude lists of the "THINGS" we have. Its even easier to make lists of the things we want. 

Instead of "THINGS", what if we focused on gifts of each other and how God has created the earth as a home for us to share. What can we do to make this earth more comfortable, more friendly, more welcoming to all God's children? 

Do you take time out each day, not only to be grateful in your heart for God's gift to us, but also to show that gratitude? 

I believe God has given each of us a special place in His creation of this world. No matter how big or how small, each day, we are asked by God to look in a fellow human's eyes and say "I've got this". For no matter how brief a time, even if its just for a few seconds, God has given us the power and the strength to hold the weight of the world for that person until they've caught their breath and can take their turn. 
How do you feel in your small way you contribute to making your earthly companions day just a little easier? 

God truly has made each of us the very heartbeat and soul of His gift, this earth we live on and should treasure each day.


CPR said...

I guess working in the health care field for over 22 years has taught me to appreciate the little things in life we all take for granted.I feed people that no longer can feed themselves, I bathe people who can no longer wash themselves,I guide people who are unable to see where they are going.I embrace people who have no one left to embrace.I feel fortunate to be able to give of myself or even say a kind word or show a warm smile. It has taught me to love myself and in return has connected me more with God than anything else in my life.Thanks for sharing Carrie , I love reading your thoughts that you express. xo

Steph Martin said...

I don't think I do enough to take care of the earth. Really, what do I offer? I try to bring a smile to my family and friends. I capture the beauty of nature through my photography. I think that's important. I capture a moment in time so that it will never be forgotten. I listen to friends and am quiet when they need me to be and am vocal when they want me to be. I donate extra "stuff" to various charities. We ALWAYS have a donation box going and have pick-ups at least once or twice a month. (Yes, we have a lot of 'stuf'!) Every so often, we buy food to give to our church's food pantry. We have started going to cultural programs that ask for food pantry items as your 'payment to enter' and that food goes to food pantries. I may not be too vocal at times and I am unable to give money, but I do what I can to fight for gay rights- actually, for the human rights of ALL people. So, the things I do may not be tangible, but I think they're super important.

I guess I do more than I thought.

Shellie said...

Carrie, Thanks for this blog. When I read it I teared up because I realized it IS nice when someone (specifically at work) offers to help ME. I feel overwhelmed at times, but what is expected of me (at least my perception) seems too much for me to carry. I am empathetic to others' struggles and it hurts my heart to think how hard of a time they are having so I want to assist them and get them into their comfort zone. But many times that means I am spreading myself very thin and puts me behind or ups my stress level. It is so nice, actually I really can't describe how wonderful it is for someone to help me carry my burdens. Recent example: Chad offered to bathe my dog yesterday and dried another one for me. Simple things like that means so much.

As strong and capable as we think others are sometimes we need to say to them "I've got this". I know we all struggle with life's daily stresses but we all need to give as much as we receive. Sometimes we strengthen ourselves by stepping out of our "comfort zone" and help carry a burden of someone else, even if it is the smallest of gestures sometimes it means the world to someone else, who otherwise might not ask for help....GOOD BLOG!!