Sunday, November 20, 2011

Monsters, Demons, and Heroes...Do we see them the same as God?

"Know that there are certain very lofty and sublime things in the site of God that certain people sometimes think of as worthless and contemptible; there are others that are esteemed and remarkable to people that God considers extremely worthless and contemptible."

~St Francis of Assisi 

 Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day set aside by the LGBT and friends community to remember those lost to us simply because they were "different" or transgendered. Does God make mistakes? Does God see these people as worthless? 

The last few months we've had days of awareness, days of remembrance, and days of education about bullying. Most of the time bullying is centered upon being different. Different, as in, fat/skinny/ugly/retard/nerd/smart/stupid/black/white/brown/teacher's pet/latchkey kid/ or gay/queer/dyke/fag/lesbo....the list goes on and on. Does God make mistakes? Does God see these people as worthless? 

On the other hand, I can't help but read EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME, the fiasco and mess at Penn State. We hear about these man made "gods". Many people were hurt, not just the young victims. But still, many people hale these men as beautiful god-like heroes. I truly don't believe God sees anyone as worthless, but are these men acting out the lives God created for them? God created in them a thing of beauty when he gave them the gift of inspiring young men to be the best they can be. Yet somehow they twisted this and allowed themselves to become monsters instead. 

These are just a few worldly examples of what's going on right now. Humans often look with hate, scorn and disgust on those God gently and lovingly created to be different and add color and vibrancy to our world. Yet we allow ourselves to continue to look with awe and hero worship on men and women who have turned God's gifts into a means for cruelty. 

I hope and pray that while there are human monsters out there, no one is ever totally worthless. We, as children of God, can take these cruel and unjust situations and, not only learn from them, but help create a better world. A better world for young people who fall in love with other young people of the same gender, for young people whose gender of their heart and soul don't match the gender of their outside body, and for young people who just want to enjoy being the best they can be at playing a sport. 

I hear many people say these situations weigh heavy on their heart. That the pain for these young people hurt their soul. Tonight, I too, have a heavy heart, and my soul hurts. My soul hurts for the young people, my soul hurts for the adults who've lived with this pain for many years. My heart weighs heavy for the victims and at times I have to admit, my heart weighs heavy for the perpetrators/monsters. I can't help but wonder how they got to where they are. 

My question to you, and to myself tonight, is how do we begin to fix or heal any of these situations? How can we share the balm of God's love with one another?

     There Is a Balm in Gilead
(This is the version I learned growing up in the Lutheran Church. The singer in this video uses slightly different lyrics, but the idea of a balm of God's love for us to share has always been the same)

Sometimes I feel discouraged and think my work’s in vain,
But then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again.
There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul.
If you cannot preach like Peter, if you cannot pray like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus and say, "He died for all."
There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul.
Don’t ever feel discouraged, for Jesus is your friend;
And if you lack for knowledge, He’ll never refuse to lend.
There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul.


Anonymous said...

I love how your mind works! Always looking to help and make this world a better place~ You have asked quite the question. One I wish I had the answer for. The Penn State situation is one that blew my mind. Honestly the news is one thing I try not to watch because I would want to help every person/animal on there. Knowing I could not help ALL of them would bring me down. I use to look at how can I fix the world. Now I look at if I can help just one person then hopefully it will be passed on.

Shellie said...

Humans are for the most part big disappointments to God. We all have a dark side and God hates that-hates sin. Yes, God does hate. I have not followed the Penn State incident, again it's the ostrich head in the sand.

I do not believe for an instant any many should be looked upon as so great that he/she needs to be compared to God or gods. I think all of us have heroic moments as well as monstrous moments. We all "soar" and falter at different times in our lives. The sinful ways of humans gives no excuse to hurt or take advantage of the weak and innocent or anyone for that matter. Pedophiles and molesters, in the case of Penn State should be punished harshly. Not jail time but hang em by a short rope on a tall tree.

Several years ago a distant relative of mine (whom I never met but knew of through my grandmother) was about 90 y/o. She was living out her last days on this earth in a nursing home, a place that SHOULD offer safety and tranquility to the elder loved ones we are no longer capable of caring for properly. She could not speak much less move;she was bed bound. Some monster that worked at her facility brutally raped her in the middle of the night so severely that her entire groin and abdomen were black with bruises. She, only a few weeks later, passed away.

This man who was entrusted to care for the patients there was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He was a monster with the darkest of hearts and deserves nothing but pain and anguish the rest of his life. What I am trying to convey is that in every niche of society, every religious affiliation, every level of income or education there are people who bully, prey, and seek out others to harm. They are not of God. There cruel intentions are devilish. God does not put that sin into their hearts. They act these crimes out by their own free will. Why does God "allow" things like this to happen? He does not. He gives us a choice. To believe in God you have to believe in Satan. I do not worship Satan but he exists and darkens mens' hearts.

Steph Martin said...

How does God view such monsters? How are we to treat them? Can they be helped or saved? Why are the monsters here on earth?

I honestly don't have the answers to these questions. I'm not even sure that I have logical opinions on these topics.

Are we supposed to forgive a molester? A rapist? I think not. In fact, I know I will NEVER forgive my rapist. Not everyone is deserving of forgiveness. I suppose some will think I'm judging by laying down this blanket statement. I think people who commit act of pure hatred/violence/cruelty are not deserving of forgiveness for the sole fact that, more often than not, they are not sorry. They may say "sorry" but are they?

in the case of bullying, it might be a little different. Maybe. If a child is raised in a home who doesn't teach against bullying, they honestly don't know better. Nowadays, the child/teenager probably gets mixed messages since school teach against bullying but they get the opposite info at home. So, you're raised to think a gay boy is ok to make fun of because he's a 'sissy.' In school, you're told that he's not a 'sissy' and that no one is. You listen to your parents until you reach that AHA moment where you start thinking on your own. If you muster the strength to do that and think against your parents and change your ways, then you may be forgiven in my eyes and heart.

Have you ever seen the movie "American History X" with Edward Norton? GREAT movie. Difficult to watch, but worth it. It's the story of a skinhead who changes his ways. Seriously- check it out. If you were local, I'd make you borrow it. Situations like that, I can forgive. People do change. But, I'm on the mindset that sex predators do not change. It's just one of my hang-ups.

Anonymous said...

Carrie, I love your blog and your thoughts and comments. It is food for thought. Nice photos too! Keep up the good work! Good for you for pursuing a graduate degree! A lot of work, but worth it! Also it takes a special person (people) to take care of dogs and offer them love and stability that they have never had. You guys are angels!

Becky Bellamy