Tuesday, March 27, 2012

1 step forward 2 back.....I'm still ME!!

They say it gets better!
For who when how?
When I get money?
When I have a the cool toys you do?

They say it get better!
For who when how?
When I can hear with out digital hep?
When I can answer the phone with no inconvenience to you?

They say it gets better! 
For who when how?
When I stop loving women?
When we dress and look like you want?
They say it get better!
For who when how?
When I change my belief in God/dess?
Just so it matches yours?
They say it gets better!
For who when how?
When I can act just like you?
When I drug all signs of my autism away for your comfort?

Today, this week, this month
Its not better OUT THERE
I've been called dyke deaffie and retard
Every day every day in some way

BUT out of the ashes
I will arise still me
Still with all the parts of me
I refuse your mold

Yes yes yes
Today, this week, this month
I hurt, my heart breaks, I cry
 I cry myself to sleep

But oh yes!
It will get better
Not because I changed to fit your mold
But because I stayed me

I am made and molded
By my God/dess's own hands
With Him I will get better
With Her I will stay strong

And you??
I hope and pray for you
That instead of always knocking people down
You too get BETTER

I want to hate you
You that hurts me
You that make fun
You that thinks your better than me

I can't have that hate
That hate makes me hurt inside even more
Instead I show you my kindness
 And I pray



Aiynjel said...

'?' awww i so sorry that you have to go through all of that nonsense...You will rise out of the ashes and you will wake up to another day and text me and do what you have to, spend time with who you can and forget about "them"... they are not worth your time or your emotions..you are better than they are and you will rise above them...<3 <3

newcreationmark said...

I guess it's hard to believe that adults are guilty of such cruelness but I know that some are. I had an interesting exchange at work yesterday. Three guys in the kitchen starting making very, very explicit gay jokes, calling each other names,etc. and had a couple of the waitresses laughing who then started joining in and I stood there for a moment and watch five adults all going way, way over the line with their comments and acting out, especially considering we have a gay bartender who we work with and who I thought everyone liked.
Here's the catch: when I said something to them about it, telling them they probably needed to chill, one of the girls said, "Oh yea, there's Mark, the Christian who loves everybody...Sorry..." and said something about how Chris might hear us anyway so maybe we should shut up. I've never heard this particular girl say anything like this until this incident and got the feeling that she just kind of got sucked into this conversation but what I want to point out is this: at least in THIS case, the fact that I was a Christian and that none of those five are, or at least none of them profess to be, made a difference to them. Their expectations of me were higher than their own and their expectation was not that I would join in but that I would NOT join in bc I'm a Christian. And at least the two girls KNOW what I believe about homosexuality and yet, bc they know me, they knew I wouldn't approve of that kind of joking about gays...
I say this for two reason: ONE, it still amazes me that adults can be so absolutely insensitive and downright mean at times and TWO, it isn't always the way it seems to be portrayed, that anyone who is a Christian is automatically the mean one and that anyone who isn't is automatically the one who stands up to put a stop to it. At least, in this instance, Carrie, you would've approved of my actions. And just so you know, later in the shift, I had a short talk with that girl about the incident and remembered that we also work with another girl who says she's gay one week and then hooks up with a guy the next but who was around during all this joking. In fact, turns out the joking all originally started when one of the guys in the kitchen asked her a personal question about her sex life. I'm sure that while she acts bold and loudly talks about her promiscuity, deep inside she hates much of what apparently goes on more regularly than i thought.
Sorry, I just rambled but you were on my mind after all this yday and then I read your post so...I figured I'd share.

newcreationmark said...

I just want you to know that you may hear me enter discussion about what I believe the Bible to say about homosexuality and that you'll hear me say that I'm one of those nuts who still believes the Bible to be relevant and, most importantly, true, but you won't hear me making gay jokes at work and you won't hear me bashing gays at work either. I hope you know this about me by now. If not, ask around. Facebook world is weird bc we end up arguing to make points and say things that can come off in ways unintended but in "real life" you'd like me and we'd be friends and we'd disagree without getting all pissy with each other...OK, that's really all for now, I promise.

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Dear Dear Mark....Thank you from the core of my heart and soul. First know I'm proud to call you friend even though it may be from a distance including face book right now. Second....I do approve of you in the fact that while we agree to disagree I know you live what you believe. That takes strength and integrity. Thanks for sticking up for a fellow human....I love the statement of "oh Mark the Christian....he loves every one!!" keep Loving like that Mark. We may disagree on a a lot of details... but I think we agree on the finer points....LOVE
Thank you!!!

Shelley B. Kesselman said...

Yes, Mark, keep up the good work! As a progressive Christian who takes the Bible seriously but not literally, I suspect we might differ on a few points, but I have no doubt that we would do so lovingly and respectfully. Part of my credo is that we can have unity without uniformity, and people like you make that a reality, so thank you!

It never ceases to amaze me how "adults" can be so cruel. I've had all the psychological theory, but it doesn't really satisfy. We may have an explanation - but what is the solution?

I hope that forums such as this can help. I think that Christians taking the Great Commandment seriously, and getting clear on the difference between righteousness and self-righteousness will help. And then there's the hard one - loving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us. Not an easy prescription! But if we can model encouragement in these things, perhaps more people will be clear on the idea that Christians hold no truck with the ill-treatment of others, and that there are really more of us out there than the world may think, it could be a big step in the right direction.

I'm so sorry you're being subjected to that, Carrie. You don't deserve it.