Thursday, March 29, 2012


Give up trying to
change other people.
Leave that to God.
Consider instead
changing yourself
and how you respond.
  There are so many ways to take this challenge. I'm also looking at it from the point of view, if you're okay, don't change to fit THEIR mold....but I guess  I have to remember the mold is theirs to have the way they want. IT may not be what we think is fair and just. It may hurt us....and we have every right in the world to speak up for ourselves and others. Some how we need to learn to do it with out passing judgment, with out trying directly to change them...but letting them know who we are.
I am Carrie Lynn Humphreys no special order I happen to be..autistic, legally deaf, a doggie foster mommy, a groomer, a daughter, a fiance'/GF, a friend, a mentor, epileptic, a writer, a student, a want to soon to be pastor, and educator . Besides my name those are all labels and a small but important part of me. BUT most important I am CARRIE a child of God/dess!!!!!!
 “If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Gods Word Transation
Matthew 7:1
"Stop judging so that you will not be judged"  
 The greatest need in the world is the transformation of human nature. We need a new heart that will not have lust and greed and hate in it. We need a heart filled with love and peace and joy, and that is why Jesus came into the world.

 Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up.”
Jesse Jackson

“Once in a golden hour,
I cast to earth a seed,
And up there grew a flower,
That others called a weed.”
Alfred Tennyson

 “Criticism of others is thus an oblique form of self-commendation. We think we make the picture hang straight on our wall by telling our neighbors that all his pictures are crooked.”
Fulton J. Sheen, Seven Words of Jesus and Mary: Lessons from Cana and Calvary 

 “Because it strikes me there is something greater than judgement. I think it is called mercy.”
Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture

 “Why was the judgement of the disapproving so valuable? Who said that their good opinions tended to be any more rational than those of generally pleasant people?”
Shannon Hale, Austenland

So in about ten minutes I found all these quotes about judging. Yet we each face it every day.  Yes some more than others, and some of us are more guilty of judging then others.Why do we cut each other down? To stand to taller? To look good, when more often it makes us look bad?

I think there is a triad of lessons to learn today....1) don't judge its not our job 2) don't listen to those that judge us, and 3)  as the challenge says  change your self not others....learn ways to not take the judgment so harshly (easier said then done) while we try to educate others about ourselves and continue to not to try to change them but allow them to grow.

I've meet an amazing young friend though his mom on face book recently, he too is autistic. When talking to his mom about being upset about being different his mom explained that different is OK, it made him unique.  Still having problems with some words, but no problem with the concept he was like "OK cool I'm runick". When I first heard this story, I was having a rough day of many these last few weeks, and thought "how cute", but then my thought went to well how true....being unique seems to ruin everything and here is a great mash up of words!

Then later during my quite time I looked at the words differently..."runick" turning ruin into unique.   Out of the mouths of babes!!!  I love you little man even though we haven't meet yet!

Now look into those proud eyes and tell me you can judge or want to change this child. Come on...I dare ya!!!

My challenge for the next few days....look at parts of your life you feel are ruins and figure out how to make then "runick".

Shelam and Rhaka


Lenora said...

All though we are all guilty, this includes myself, or pre-judging others and judging them harshly you are right. We need to fit our own molds ad "runick". That is such a fantastic meshing of words, what may seem ruined to one is unique to another so the two combined say it all. I am runick too I get judged for being bi-polar and get told when upset over something that genuinely bothers me that its where i am bipolar not that i am mad, hurt, or any other emotion. I have a lable and to some i am ruined but also unique so i too love that word and want to use it to describe myself Thank you Carrie for sharing

Aiynjel said...

I Love You Carrie and J....This whole post brought tears to my eyes and it is only 5:45 a.m. We deal with prejudice and discrimination every single day. It is hard to have patience with people that say "well if you just busted his ass once in a while, he would be fine." My son was 7 when he said this and I love how you have looked at it from a completely different view, but one that makes sense. I love IT!! He is so many things and can be labeled many ways, but first and foremost he is MY SON. We deal with everything else after he remembers that I love him and he is "Runick" as much as he wants to be. This mash up of words was completely accidental, or was it? Was God/dess trying to tell us something through him? Makes you think. This word describes so many of us and even me too. I have a list of disabilities and disorders as well and I will be "Runick" anyday. Huggles...<3