Monday, March 5, 2012

The Godd/dess within us!!! (Church)

Invite someone to
church. Tell them what
Lent means to you,
and why this might be
a meaningful time for
them to sit next to you
in worship. Please wear
I made the challenge last night to Evangelize in words? Does any one have examples??

On the comments my friend Shelley commented a quote on St. Francis...."Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary."
Are we truly wiling to live what we preach?  To look in that mirror and be honest about the change WE need to make to ourselves?
For me personally, with my college friends  (the first go around when I studied pysch) at a relatively liberal school but with VERY LIBERAL friends and then the first few years out I had friends that were like ultra was harder for me to admit to being Christian or even spiritual then it was for me to be out as gay and share about my tattoos and piercings. Funny now that I live in an area where the opposite is true.. AND that it has taken me until recently to come to the understanding with myself that I take much from many religions and Christianity is the base of my spiritual pyramid. 
How many of you have "mixed" cultural back grounds that make it hard to truly be all of you?  Queer and Christian  seem polar opposites these days.  Conservative and pagan any one? Poor and Republican? Believe in Jesus but God as a mother rather than father?

How do you make the contradiction work. If they make you who you are they are valid, they work, they are YOU there for, they make up your temple. (as in your Body is God/dess's house and temple).

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
1 Corinthians 6:19

Do you not know that your body is the temple of The Spirit of Holiness who dwells within you, whom you have received from God, and you are not your own?
SO what does this have to do with inviting friends to church? Well if you are a temple and church is with in you....if you want friends to know God/dess through you, you MUST let them know YOU in all your God/dess given glory.   Your cheating God/dess and those you love out of the amazing gift that is YOU if you are not first true to your self.

You are the best you.....share it!!! Invite friends to your heart soul and CHURCH.

Amen Blessed Be
Say the words of Isaiah
43:1-7 as a prayer. Try
putting your name in
where it says “Jacob”
and “Israel.” Do that
once, then again, then
three times and more
if you need to.



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