Saturday, March 31, 2012

ano meẖeyeykheym - אנו מחייכים

Give up frowning.
You might be scaring
little children and

This cracked me up since I groom dogs and its true!!!When you frown you give off bad vibes. If you smile (not forced please) the vibes are much better!!!!! Bad vibes scare dogs!!!

Today early we sang Carpenter songs at work, none of us can sing but it was FUN, and the dogs chilled AND I worked through one of the hardest dogs I've ever had.

Are you a frowner???

Do you chase people off by the look on your face??? With out knowing it we convey a feeling of negativity even if its just concentration.  Frowning is contagious!!! Do you spread it to all you meet??

Are you a smiler?

Smiling is even more contagious. Especially if you manage a happy dance!!! Yes, I know many of us  with autism on here have trouble with eye contact, but just look at some one and smile and then,  they are going to smile at some one else.

So if your a frowner  try hard....really hard to turn it up side down. if you see some one with out one...give them one of yours. If you are having trouble smiling  sing a favorite song in your head....think of a good joke
We have been talking of heaven on earth.....what better way to spread a little heaven than a little smile!! So smile baby smile!!

we will smile!! ano meẖeyeykheym - אנו מחייכים

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