Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fight, Surrender, or Compromise....but always do it in love

Give in. Lent is not
just a time to give up.
Real repentance may
mean giving in, to
someone else, admitting
they were right.
Or that you were also
right, but in this case,
they just needed it

Again I say....being faithful true and loving is not always easy.....

So much of this is tying together, compromise, give up prejudice, and admit you were wrong and some one else is right. Not easy things for a strong willed person with several minorities to her name.
Today I was part of a facebook discussion of queer folks and allies. Oddly enough, without being aware of today's "lenten challenge", we were discussing when to speak up and when to let things go. The point I was trying to make was not to "lay down and take it", but much like we discussed a few days ago, to kill them with kindness. 
The conservative party and church are doing their best to make queers, poor folks, disabled people, anyone with medical needs, those less educated, etc, out to be evil demons. The question we were discussing was how do we look when we come out fighting when we stand up for ourselves? I was trying to say, sometimes we need to stand up for ourselves by sharing what is positive and good about us and those "like us". My fear is and always has been when we come out fighting, we often respond, if not in hate, with words that sound very hate filled. These actions allow "them" to use our words and actions to prove "their" point. Maybe the lesson of a few days ago hit it right on the nose....kill them with kindness. 

I think Chief Hinmuuttu-yalatlat (Chief Joseph) had it right and was deeply profound when he uttered the words "I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever."

This is not to say we should lay down and take it or be bullied. Instead we need to choose our words and actions carefully to show that we are worthy, kind, and good HUMANS.

Sleep well my friends and may the hate, anger, and hurt leave your body, soul, and heart so you can start tomorrow full of peace, love, and joy. Amen.

Give up the Internet.
Just for the day. Or
even the afternoon.
Look past the screen.
Look up, look around,
look out the window,
look for signs of

1 comment:

Steph Martin said...

I like this one a lot. We often speak louder through silence than with hate filled words. It's hard to choose the right words when we're fired up but it's very important.