Friday, March 30, 2012

Just Try!!!

Give up sitting. Get
up, stand up, take the
stairs, walk around the
block, put on music
and dance.

OK!!! I'm a dog groomer with a salon with no stools. I have ummmm a lot of dogs and cats to feed when I get home.. When we are off we hike and walk.... so not sure how to give up sitting.  So I thought and I thought and thought!!!
I decided to use this as a metaphor for seats in a church, temple or masque. Going to these can be very important to you spiritual life.   You pray, you sing or chant, you hear inspiring sermons, have fellowship and then what?? Speaking from experience as a person that has worked food service, a lot of it doesn't seem to last past the parking lot.

We need to find projects with meaning. Don't wait on your spiritual leaders. Find projects for you and yours.....remember the  project a few weeks back...try that again....go to the store and buy ten dollars of food for the hungry. Clean out your closets with the winter clothes you haven't touched the last few winters and give them to good causes. Those shorts and summer tanks that will never ever fit again??? off they go!

MY new favorite...the flower bombs? J and I are doing those on Sunday.....maybe we can take a trash bag with us and fill it up with trash and drop it off at the trash can. If you don't feel like doing flower bombs  still take a walk with the trash bag even if just around the corner.
Smile, pat a shoulder, give a hug, write a little note,or squeeze a hand. All easy!!!

These are all small but sometimes baby steps is the way to go. Wanna start bigger??? GO FOR IT!!!

Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can
Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can

(Just try)
Take a little time out of your busy day
To give encouragement
To someone who's lost the way
(Just try)
Or would I be talking to a stone
If I asked you
To share a problem that's not your own
We can change things if we start giving
Why don't you

Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can
Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can

(Just try)
If you see an old friend on the street
And he's down
Remember his shoes could fit your feet
(Just try)
Try a little kindness you'll see
It's something that comes very naturally
We can change things if we start giving

Why don't you
Reach out and touch
Why don't you (Why don't you)
Reach out and touch somebody's hand

Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can
Reach out and touch
Somebody's hand
Make this world a better place
If you can

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