Friday, March 2, 2012

Smile it's contagious!!!

Challenge those
who are pessimistic.
Speak to them with
an absurd optimism
Is your glass half full or half empty? I know for me I'm a very optimistic person , but lately I'm just glad there is something in my glass!!!
Kill them with kindness!!!  Some people use this phrase to mean it kinda backwards, to use kindness to make some one feel guilty. Kindness is good for its own sake, don't miss use it.

You guys know my job is a dog groomer. As with any job its very easy if we are not careful to make assumptions about a "customer" coming in. You try not too but there it is, its humananity. Today I had a customer that looked grouchy and was grouchy. At first they didn't really respond to my kindness, so I refocused on the dog (which is my job) and the more I "chatted " up the dog the friendlier they got. They were upset because I was unable to groom the dog the way they wanted. I could have just been friendly and professional and left the choice up to them. However, I really like to make the customer happy. Not just for business but because dog people (to me) are some of the best. So I worked with them to find just one little thing I could do to make them extra happy. Forward to end of story, they were THRILLED.

Is this me doing my job? Yes. Is this good customer service? You bet. So does it fit here? I think so..... these folks were so ready to be unhappy with any thing, and I made them leave all but dancing with their dog. All because I was able to take the time, listen, notice things about them and figure out something special that would make them happy.  Who knew a tiny pony tail on a gorgeous tail on an almost bald dog could make some one so happy???

“Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”
Dr. Seuss   
Yes I have stress in my life, yes things have been hard......but what is the point if you can't find a smile and then share it???
 God is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? God is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1 
OK well rounded friends out there!!! blog tonight was a little simple. You give me/us quotes that inspire you to be optimistic and to share your optimism.  Any and all or welcome, I would love to earn some spiritual ones that are spiritual not from the bible maybe of other faiths (al though I love to hear favorite bible quotes and why!!! 
Short and sweet power is flickering.....peace, safety and blessing to all my friends in the path of the storms tonight. 
Shalom to all!!! 
 Tomorrows Lenten Challenge
If today is a day to
do errands, add this
to your list: "Go to the
grocery store, get ten
good food items and
drop them off at a local
food bank or shelter."
If you have kids, take
them with you to pick
out the food and
deliver it.
OK lots of you out there are like money but I bet you can give up a soda, a sweet tea, a biscuit and get a couple of cans of soup or a bag of rice.  Heck buy a box of microwave pop corn, a healthy snack for a family with kids, and a chance for them to have a little fun. If you want there are plenty of paces you can donate a can or 2 of dog food, or a big bag!!  Need hep finding a place? I'll help you research your local area Can you do this? Even if its just a couple of dollars?
Lets all report back tomorrow at The Autistic Mystic and share what we did!!! You can do it!!!  I would love to come home from work tomorrow (I don't get home till almost 10 pm) and find all sorts of post of people that did this!
I get about 30+ reads from 10pm to 10pm. Wonder if I can get that many people to accept this challenge? Share this one too, to you wall, to your groups, to friends. Let make this happen!!!. 


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