Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Shelama, Love, and Hope

Cancel the graduate
degree in despair.
Find a degree program
in hope. Study hard.
Try to get an A plus
in hope—so the
resurrection doesn't
surprise you.

Many advance degrees require a lot of independent study and sharing what you learn with just a few people at a time. As you learn and share, you add your insight, your thoughts and the ideas grow. You add these to what you have learned. Hopefully, as the ideas grow the people you are sharing with start to study along side your path, or at least adjoining paths , and add their thoughts and insights, so the hope is that the ideas and knowledge grows even more.

I promise you not a moment will be lost as long as I have heart & voice to speak & we will walk again together with a thousand others & a thousand more & on & on until there is no one among us who does not know the truth: there is no future without love. 
(Story People)

This is from one of my favorite group of writers called story people. They make me think a lot and in a good way. It's also interesting I think God/dess often leads me to their site so I read just what i need to hear. 

It's often hard to "fight the good fight" when you feel alone. BUT.....what if each of us start small? We turn the big goal into a bunch of small goals? My friend Trig over at Epochalypsis (an amazing site) is working on a huge movement by making baby steps.

We all need love to hope and hope to love. Jesus/Yeshua thought a path and way of LOVE! It's simple LOVE. He came to clear up a lot of the harsh judgment of the old testament and taught love. Other prophets have taught love. Yet, somehow so many people want to twist words, to twist ideas and follow hate.They call it hate in the name of love, or don't even call it hate. They call it tough love, but where is the love?? I keep going back to the idea of An it harm none, do what ye will.

If we could follow love and this creed how much better would it be? The idea of doing it with YOUR voice and getting a few people at a time to join you is amazing. How can it not succeed if filled with sincerity?

How many of you would want to make that kind of change? Just a heart at a time??

I'm often asked how while being autistic or an aspie I can reach past the communication problems and share.
While it is not easy how can I not. How can I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that God/dess loves us, created us to spread that love and not do it??

I sit alert
behind the small window 
of my mind and watch
the days pass, strangers
who have no reason to look in.

Honestly this is ow it often feels, but I learned long ago I didn't want to be an observer of life. I wanted to live it, to be a part of it. I also have always felt the love and security of God/dess in my heart and soul. So even if I felt stuck behind that window She is always, always with me. So I had to work to not wait on others to stop being strangers....I had to stop being a stranger, and reach out to others who may feel the same way. Many people get stuck behind that window. Not just autistics and aspies. If you are not behind that window help others get out. If you are....your not alone, we are here....the face boo page with this blog has 53 followers plus me. Not so huge as to be scary, but a big enough size if you say you need help from behind your minds window some one will be there. Yes its online but we are HERE, together!

Lets get our degree in hope by giving it to others. Reach out, help, make a friend, be an example, and above all love one another.

Blessing my friends....Shelama (a wish for peace in Aramaic as Yeshua would have said)


Aiynjel said...

WOW! I guess that I do live behind that window alot of the time. I am finding that I don't reach out to help others when I should. I guess it is a defense mechanism I have learned through the years. This blog definitely has me thinking and reflecting. Love you guys

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Awesome poInt I thought of it on several ways but never looked at it as a defense mechanism and I guess that's kind of what it of what it is for every one