Sunday, March 25, 2012

Want fries with that?

Today is the anniversary
of the Triangle Shirtwaist
Factory Fire. Spend some
time considering your
clothes and who made
them under what conditions.
Pray for those
who make the things
you wear;commit to
buying sweatshop-free
I know many people including my friends and I often (not always) make very conscious decisions about where and who the products we spend our money on comes from.
How do you educate yourself about these choices? Do you go with whats popular in  your circle or culture to avoid? To you follow the news? Do you jump on a band wagon? Do causes you follow that sways your choices?

I have to admit....when I first read this challenge I knew nothing about this tragedy that happened right here in our country. The fact that it happened at all is horrible. That people in power...that literally held the key to safety ran and saved them selves in shameful. The story also has common man heroes, which is amazing yet not surprising. Those in the same boat always seem to be the ones to help, when those in the yachts sail on by.

I know the topic for today is working conditions and purchase choices.... but I keep thinking about how so many people look down on those that serve them. Crack jokes and are rude to "burger flippers", don't even make eye contact with the person that bags your groceries, assume because some one work's in the "service industry" they are less then others.

This is all I have to write tonight....I want you to join me in thought and meditation on not only where you spend your money....but how you treat and think of the people that serve you when you spend it.

Give up credit cards.
Or at least try not
to use them this week.

1 comment:

Aiynjel said...

OMG! I just read about this horrible tragedy..I never knew about this incident and incredible loss of life.. what gets me is that the very people that should have unlocked those doors chose to flee reminds me of that cruise ship captain that bailed when the ship got stuck on the rocks and tipped...what the hell is wrong with people?! Kudos to those that did help as much as they could. It is a shame that it took such a catastrophe to change the safety regulations. I usually get a lot of my clothes from free places such as church clothing closets and such, if I do shop, I go to thrift stores and yard sales.