Friday, March 9, 2012

Count your many Resse Cups!!!

Write down ten things
you are thankful for.
And then write down
ten things more

Life is so full of choices....sometimes rather simple ones:

Be envious
Be greedy
Glass half empty
Satisfied.... grass is greener
Live life...sit on the bench

Sometimes life bogs us down and its hard to remember the good...the odd thing is that the people I see in the most from pay check to paycheck to get by....deciding to eat or pay rent....the ones with a terminal disease, or some little known illness seem to be so thankful for the little things, so my first list of 10 is the little things list.

1) reese cup Easter eggs
2) cool flip side of my pillow
3) that at lest one of my co-workers will give me bows that I just can't make
4) sleeping in with my wubby and the puppies, especially when Teddy sleeps on my back
5) chatting with wubbie's family (now mine) on the phone every day
6) the sound of "Hey Carrie" every time I walk into work no matter what part of the store
7) silly and or sweet responses to my post on face book
8) puppy breath
9) buds in spring
10) snow flakes

Ok so I could do my 10 and 10 more  probably 10 x 10  things I'm thankful for just on my little things list. These are the first that popped in my head.

So we move on to bigger things. When we are really blessed, those things that so out weigh the pain and hurt of life. The things that make you happy you wake up each morning on Mother Earth

So here goes my BIG thankful list:

1) My fiance/wubby/Jamie
2) My adopted family
3) My birth family that grounded me and also gave me such a sense of unshakable faith
4) The miracle that are my hearing aids....which leads to a whole new list of thankfulness
5) Friends that I have gathered along the journey of regaining my hearing that have been a major support
6) A job with amazing insurance (even if we must pester them)
7) Jamie's job that makes her happy and pays good money!!!
8) Living where I can enjoy nature right out my back door/having a HOME
9) Friends that love me for me
10) Knowing God/dess watches over me....something I never doubt

Finally one of the challenges that really wasn't that hard to do. But who knows when the day will come (and I now it will) that the day week or week are so rough that I will have to come back and read this list. For this reason alone, I challenge you to make a couple of your own. Just so they are there for you.

Is life always a bed of roses...nope that's why we always have to strive to see the good AND when the good is extra good to savory the memory.

Remember too, no mater the relation ship.......its not all roses...but we do our best by each other!!!

I wish for you my friends, many rose gardens free of thorns.!!

Only God is perfect.
You don’t have to be.
Forgive yourself for
mistakes. There are
plenty of things worth
doing that don’t have
to be done “right.”
Give up thinking
there’s only one
right way.

This is a very good, yet hard one for me. I love having the permission to do so , how bout you??


Shelley B. Kesselman said...

Love this post, Carrie! It struck a real chord with me. Maintaining an "attitude of gratitude" has been my challenge the past several months, and I'll admit that it hasn't been easy much of the time. (Unemployment is a real drag!) But it has always been worthwhile - especially when it has been the most difficult.

I was called to this intentional spiritual discipline last Thanksgiving Day - just two days after my husband got a pink slip. I have to admit that I went to Church not feeling terribly thankful. In fact, I was feeling royally sorry for myself! But the priest's sermon really spoke to me. He spoke of the old Jewish tradition of thanking God 100 times a day. This worked out to something like 6 times an hour or every 10 minutes. Not an easy thing to do,but the point isn't to thank God for all the big stuff - it's to thank God for the little things - like Reese's eggs, snowflakes, cool sides of pillows, Facebook threads, and the things that really do bless our lives but that we don't think about unless we feel we have run out of "more important" stuff. But it's all important stuff, and that's the point of the practice. Now, I can't quite make the 100 times a day. I tried, and lasted all of 1 hour. But three times a day when I sit down to eat, I give thanks not just for the food in front of me, but for at least three little things. there is always SOMETHING right in front of your nose that pleases you. Give thanks for it. It really keeps life's little whammies in perspective! The whammies are real, but(drum roll, please...)so's the rest!

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Shellie. Photo be real neighbors and r like on a community interfaith board together. I love how we feed off each others ideas and encourage each other. I'm glad u liked this one. I had fun with it. I actually copied both lost down and they are in mu groomers box at work alog with a couple of other tiny thins that remind me I am loved and am loved

Carrie Lynn Humphreys/ Autistic Mystic said...

Stupid phone and typos. I am thank for it. But dang! I meant I am love and I do love

Tonia said...

It is very difficult to remember that I have so many good things in my life when so much is going wrong..I have to be reminded often so that I do not take these people and things for granted..I work on this everyday and I am getting better with it..I have to trust that even if I do not know why, all things happen for a reason and I need to be grateful for what and who I have for tomorrow those same people and things could be gone.